Category Student News & Events

Feb. 14 @ 4:10 p.m. – Truman Scholarship Info Session

There will be an information session about the Harry S. Truman Scholarship on Tuesday, February 14 at 4:10 PM in Elliott 101. This prestigious scholarship provides significant funding for graduate school and is targeted at those interested in public service careers.…

Feb. 17 @ 8 p.m. – OMSA Drag Show!

Please join us on Feb 17th from 8-10 pm at the Chappelear Drama Center for Blackness: From Infinity To Beyond. The OMSA Office will be holding a futuristic Drag show featuring: Mikayla Denise Robyn DaCultyre Bianca Debonaire Maya Bizzness This…


Do you love language? SLUSH HOLD! Applications are live now until midnight Feb. 19th! The House of Linguistic Diversity is a small living unit that unites people from all backgrounds who have the passion and drive to learn languages, to create, to reach…

Feb. 16 @ Noon – Study Abroad in Spain Info Session

Study abroad in Spain during the summer or next year! Join us for an info session this Thursday, February 16th @ 12-1pm in University Hall 213 to learn more about OWU’s signature program at the Universidad de Navarra in Pamplona,…

Get Your Nominations in for Annual Faculty Awards!

Everyone in the campus community is invited to submit faculty nominations for the University’s annual teaching and scholarly or artistic achievement awards (descriptions/past winners may be seen here: ). This year, three will be selected: * Shankland Teaching Award * Welch…

Feb. 23 @ 11:30 a.m. – Internship & Summer Job Fair

Save the date and mark your calendar! The annual Internship and Summer Job Fair will be held in the Benes rooms on Thursday, February 23rd from 11:30-1:30 pm. There will be 66 employers looking to recruit and hire OWU students!…

Feb. 14 @ 6 p.m. – Valentine’s Paper-Making Workshop

Come make paper embedded with native wildflower seeds at Tree House from 6-9. While you’re at it, meet the members, learn about daily life in the house, and check out the house itself! Location: 110A Rowland Ave OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office:…

Feb. 15 @ 6 p.m. – SAGE GLOWpen House

Wear some neon and crack your glow sticks to mingle, eat some snacks, and get a tour of the Sexuality and Gender Equity SLU! SLUSH SAGE! Apply Now!  Start Time: 6:00 PM End Time: 9:00 PM Location: Small Living Units…

Letters To Elders – SEAL SLU Project!

Join me for my SEAL SLU house project at 94B Rowland Avenue, from 6-9 pm to celebrate the National Letter to an Elder Day (Feb. 26). I am organizing a letter-writing workshop on Feb. 14 from 6-9 pm, as a…