Category Student News & Events

Tonight @ 7:30 – Join CRU For a Prayer Night

Join CRU tonight from 7:30-8:30 PM for a night of guided prayer as we lift up our concerns and joys to God. Prayer comes in many forms, so we’ll pray about our campus and world together, silently and/or, through writing.…

March 23 @ 11 a.m. – Promote Your Organization at Brain Fair!

Is your club, student board, fraternity/sorority, SLU, or academic department thinking about what events to plan this semester? Look no further than Brain Fair 2023! The Neurds (neuroscience club) invites you to co-host Brain Fair, a celebration of Brain Awareness…

Seeking Neurodivergent Students for Interview!

Ever been frustrated by a teacher who just doesn’t get you? Want to be a part of making communication easier between ND students and teachers? (Want a $10 Amazon gift card for your trouble?) I’m looking for you! For my…

Feb. 17 @ 4 p.m. – Piñata Decorating with LA CASA

Join the members of LA CASA to finish off SLUSH week with a bang. From 4-6 pm Friday, get to know the members of LA CASA as you decorate your piñata and enjoy authentic Mexican candy. Pre-made piñatas will be…

Feb. 17 @ Noon – Build a Reproductive Health Bag!

Stop by the Hamilton-Williams atrium during the noon hour and put together a reproductive health or safe sex bag to be donated to the Women’s Resource center! This event is a house project hosted by Eva Birk-Petri and Paiton Walker,…

Feb. 21 @ 6 p.m. – “Building Better Men”

A conversation with fraternity men about gender, masculinity, and mental health. How do we observe these things in the fraternal space and where do we go from here? Start Time: 6:00 PM End Time: 8:00 PM Location: Hamilton-Williams Campus Center,…

Stop by Affirming Attire!

Does your closet need a refresh for the new year? Are you needing some clothes to better reflect your inner self? Bring an item of clothing you don’t wear anymore and swap it for something new in the store for…

Feb. 20 – Fall 2023 Study Away Applications Due

If you are planning to study off-campus this fall, please stop by the IOCP office in Slocum Hall 311 and speak to a mentor. You can also visit our Steps to Study Away page online (). Your OWU Leave Application…