Category Student News & Events

Feb. 8 @ 5-7 p.m. – Valentine’s Day Open House at CAH

Come join the Creative Arts House for a pre-Valentine’s Day celebration! We will be playing games, decorating cookies, making cards, and you’ll be able to make your own chocolate-covered strawberries! Our house is located at 123 Oak Hill Ave. If…

Interfaith SLUsh Week Calendar!

Join IF for a slew of events next week! Tuesday — Craft Night; 5-7  Come make Valentines cards for partners and friends. Wednesday — Open House; 6-9 Check out our SLU and learn what it’s like to live in our community…

Sign Up for the Alumni Partner Career Conversation Days!

Have you thought about speaking with an OWU graduate about their career path, but you were too nervous to reach out? Or have you already found benefit in connecting with Alumni and are looking for another opportunity? SIGN UP TO…

Get your free FLU shot!

Flu season runs through May! Call the Student Health Center today to get your free FLU shot! Call 740-368-3160 to schedule an appointment! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Health Center Contact: Kara Shroff at


Do you love language? SLUSH HOLD! Applications are live now! The House of Linguistic Diversity is a small living unit that unites people from all backgrounds who have the passion and drive to learn languages, to create, to reach out, to educate,…

Feb. 7 @ 6 p.m. – Prism’s First Meeting!

Wanna do something different for Valentine’s Day? Stop by SAGE (SLU) today (Feb. 7) to make Valentine’s for a partner, a friend, or yourself with Prism!! We’re kicking off the start of the semester with something festive! It will be held…

Feb. 14 @ Noon – The Bishop Way Valentines and Raffle

Come to Hamilton-Williams Campus Center during lunch hour on Valentine’s Day for a chance to win gift cards — and to grab some fun Valentines centered around consent! The grand prize will be a fun night out to The Strand…

Want to Make an Impact? Join WCSA!

WCSA (Wesleyan Council on Student Affairs) is Ohio Wesleyan’s student government organization. It handles issues like academic affairs, student and residential life, and student inclusion and advocacy. WCSA is currently holding elections for senate positions. Any student is able (and…

Feb. 8 – Affordable Study Abroad/Away with Arcadia University!

Are you interested in studying abroad in Australia, England, Scotland, Italy, Spain, or New Zealand? Or maybe a semester-long internship in Philly? Would you like to learn how to go away/abroad affordably? Come meet our study away partner from Arcadia…

TODAY @ Noon – Comm Travel Abroad Workshop

Calling all Communication majors/minors! TODAY at the Comm lounge in Philips hall from 12pm-1, the Communication Student Board is hosting a travel abroad workshop for students who are interested, who have questions, or want to know more about studying abroad…