Category Faculty/Staff News & Events

Survey – Are You or Were You a Musician? Let Me Know!

After hearing about the musical talents of some of our faculty members at this year’s i-Cubed lecture series, and after hearing several faculty and staff member share their experience with me conversationally, I decided to make an effort at gathering…

Sept. 27 – Make Your Presentations Powerful, Regardless of Tool

Information Services presents a professional development training on Thurs.. Sept. 27 at noon on making presentations engaging and impactful, regardless of whether you’re using Apple Keynote, Google Slides, Microsoft PowerPoint or Prezi. Learn tips, styles and best practices on presenting…

Sept. 25 – BigTree CMS Training

Information Services presents a technical training introducing BigTree CMS (the content management system used on the OWU website) on Tues., Sept. 25 at noon. Learn how to manage your department’s or program’s web presence on our OWU website. Learn or…

Sept. 20 UNIGLOBE Session CANCELLED – Rescheduled for Oct. 3

Unfortunately, due to low signups, we have made the decision to cancel our Concur Travel training and demonstration with representatives from UNIGLOBE for today, Sept. 20. Please mark your calendars for Oct. 3 at 12 p.m. for the next time…

Sept. 19 and 20 – Concur Trainings

Please join us for one or both of our remaining Concur trainings for this week: Sept. 19 (Corns Building, Room 109, 4 p.m.) – Expense Management- learn how to clear your P-card charges and request reimbursements. Sept. 20 (Corns Building,…

Oct. 17 – Flu Vaccines for OWU Faculty and Staff

On October 17, from 1-3 p.m., flu vaccines will be available for OWU faculty and staff in Benes Room A. Please schedule an appointment using the following link: Walk-ins are also welcome. Please see below for more information about…

Sept. 28 – Rosie Bell’s Retirement Party!

Come join the Accounting and Purchasing offices in saying thanks and good luck to Rosie Bell! There will be a reception on the 3rd floor of Merrick on Sept. 28 from 2-4 p.m. Start Date/Time: September 28, 2018 at 2:00…

Tech Tip of the Week: How to Identify Phishing Messages

Being part of an organization, faculty and staff are at risk of so-called “phishing messages.” What are they? How do you identify them? Those are the topics of this week’s Tech Tip! Phishing scams are fraudulent emails, phone calls or…

Sept. 25 – BigTree CMS Training

Information Services presents a technical training introducing BigTree CMS (the content management system used on the OWU website) on Tues., Sept. 25 at noon. Learn how to manage your department’s or program’s web presence on our OWU website. Learn or…

Incomplete Grades Due Today

Incomplete grades for summer and spring 2018 and PR and IP grades and extensions from fall 2017 are due today. Please email grade changes to me at If you wish to grant an extension, please let me know. I will…