Category Faculty/Staff News & Events

Encourage Students to Apply for President’s Club!

The President’s Club, a source of Ohio Wesleyan pride for over 30 years, is currently accepting applications for new members. Qualified students have leadership experience and potential, a professional and personable demeanor, campus involvement and a passion for OWU. If…

Feb. 12 – Faculty/Staff Bible Study

Join us! We welcome you to our informal Bible study – you cannot “fall behind” as we study a different verse/verses each meeting. Bring your lunch or a cup of coffee and join us in Peale Chapel on Tues., Feb.…

Faculty/Staff Parking Permit Reminder

The deadline to register for a new Faculty/Staff parking hangtag is Feb. 18. If you haven’t already applied for yours, this information is for you! – All Faculty/Staff with an expired red-and-white permit that expired in 2017 must apply online…

Feb. 15 – Google Course Kit in Blackboard Learn Training

Information Services presents a technical training introducing the Google Course Kit in Blackboard Learn on Fri., Feb. 15 at noon. Course Kit allows educators to use BishopApps tools, like Docs, Sheets, Slides and Drive, all within Blackboard Learn without disrupting…

Feb. 12 – Faculty/Staff Bible Study

Join us! We welcome you to our informal Bible study – you cannot “fall behind” as we study a different verse/verses each meeting. Bring your lunch or a cup of coffee and join us in Peale Chapel on Tues., Feb.…

Encourage Students to Apply for President’s Club!

The President’s Club, a source of Ohio Wesleyan pride for over 30 years, is currently accepting applications for new members. Qualified students have leadership experience and potential, a professional and personable demeanor, campus involvement and a passion for OWU. If…

Details of Jan. 31 Blackboard Updates

The Blackboard update on Jan. 31 included these enhancements. With us on the SaaS (Software as a Service) platform with continuous release, Blackboard provides updates on the first Friday of each month. Here are some highlights of January’s updates: Collaborate…

Death of Former Staff Member Alvin Trimble

We are sad to share that former OWU staff member Alvin Trimble of Delaware has passed away. Al worked at Ohio Wesleyan for 30 years, serving as carpenter supervisor. Here is link to Al’s obituary, which includes more information about his…

Encourage Students to Apply for President’s Club!

The President’s Club, a source of Ohio Wesleyan pride for over 30 years, is currently accepting applications for new members. Qualified students have leadership experience and potential, a professional and personable demeanor, campus involvement and a passion for OWU. If…

Faculty/Staff Parking Permit Reminder

The deadline to register for a new Faculty/Staff parking hangtag is Feb. 18. If you haven’t already applied for yours, this information is for you! – All Faculty/Staff with an expired red-and-white permit that expired in 2017 must apply online…