Category Faculty/Staff News & Events

May 3 @ 4 p.m. – Retirement Reception for Ted Cohen and Mary Howard

The Department of Sociology and Anthropology will host a retirement reception celebrating the friendship and careers of Ted Cohen and Mary Howard, honoring their combined 69 years of service to Ohio Wesleyan University. Please mark your calendars and plan to…

TODAY – Faculty & Staff Bible Study

All are welcome to attend our Bible Study fellowship. You cannot “fall behind” as we study a different verse (or verses) each meeting.We are saving a chair for you! We meet in Peale Chapel (Ham-Wil, 3rd Floor) at 12:05 p.m.,…

Attention – All New Courses in Blackboard will Prompt to try Ultra

Instructors, when you enter your new summer or fall courses in Blackboard, you will now be prompted to “Try the Ultra Course View!” This option provides a more modern, intuitive, fully responsive, course experience for both instructors and students. It…

Tired of Using a Proctor? Use Examity!

Tired of having to sit for hours while your students take an exam or deal with getting a proctor? Ohio Wesleyan now has Examity, a service for proctoring exams which has been integrated smoothly with Blackboard. With finals coming up…

May 6 – GLCA Tuition Remission Deadline

This is a reminder to all benefit-eligible employees: The deadline to submit applications for the 2019-2020 GLCA Tuition Remission or OWU Tuition Remission is Mon., May 6. The forms can be found at the bottom of the HR website:  If…

Tired of Using a Proctor? Use Examity!

Tired of having to sit for hours while your students take an exam or deal with getting a proctor? Ohio Wesleyan now has Examity, a service for proctoring exams which has been integrated smoothly with Blackboard. With finals coming up…

OWU Golf League is Back for 2019!

Springtime is here, and so is the OWU Golf League for all OWU employees and families. Join us at Oakhaven Golf Course every Wednesday at 4:24 p.m. from May 15 to August 14 (13 weeks). Each game is nine holes.…

April 23 @ 12:05 p.m. – Faculty & Staff Bible Study

All are welcome to attend our Bible Study fellowship. You cannot “fall behind” as we study a different verse (or verses) each meeting. We are saving a chair for you! We meet in Peale Chapel (Ham-Wil, 3rd Floor) at 12:05…

May 3 @ 4 p.m. – Retirement Reception for Ted Cohen and Mary Howard

The Department of Sociology and Anthropology will host a retirement reception celebrating the friendship and careers of Ted Cohen and Mary Howard, honoring their combined 69 years of service to Ohio Wesleyan University. Please mark your calendars and plan to…