Category Faculty/Staff News & Events

Lifelong Learning Institute

We are excited to welcome 200+ Lifelong Learners to campus beginning the week of September 23rd. OWU, in partnership with several Delaware area organizations, is launching a Lifelong Learning Institute this fall, offering intellectually curious older adults the opportunity to…

Oct. 5 @ 10 a.m. – Scalar Workshop for OH5 Faculty

The Five Colleges of Ohio Digital Collaborations Group would like to invite you to attend a workshop focused on Scalar, a robust tool for developing pedagogical digital projects. The workshop will be held at Denison University on Saturday, October 5,…

Oct. 3 – Blackboard Learn Update

Blackboard’s next update to its LMS will be released Oct. 3. It features these enhancements, as well as many minor improvements and bug fixes: Bulk download submissions: Instructors can now download multiple student assignment submissions at once as a ZIP…

TODAY @ NOON – Online Teaching Roundtable

You are invited to a roundtable discussion about online teaching today at noon in Elliott 001. Over a brown-bag lunch, OWU faculty who have taught online during the summer session will share their experiences and answer questions, both about the…

Launch of Direct Deposit for Reimbursements for Faculty and Staff

Over the next few months, the Finance office will be introducing some efficiency initiatives to better serve the campus community and streamline operations. The first of these is direct deposit for all faculty and staff reimbursements, which has the following…

TODAY @ NOON – Managing Time in Google Calendar Training

Information Services presents a technical training on Managing Time in Google Calendar for professional development. It will be held today, Sept. 17, from Noon to 1 p.m. in Corns 109. Come and learn how to take advantage of the communication…

Sept. 17 & 18 @ NOON – Online Teaching Roundtable

You are invited to a roundtable discussion about online teaching on September 17 and 18 at noon in Elliott 001. Over a brown-bag lunch, OWU faculty who have taught online during the summer session will share their experiences and answer…

TOMORROW @ NOON – Managing Time in Google Calendar Training

Information Services presents a technical training on Managing Time in Google Calendar for professional development. It will be held tomorrow, Sept. 17, from Noon to 1 p.m. in Corns 109. Come and learn how to take advantage of the communication…