Category Faculty/Staff News & Events

How Much Sleep Should You Get a Night?

Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep a night to be able to function the best during the day. Not getting enough quality sleep can not only make you drowsy, but also cause health problems both physically and mentally. Consistency is…

Faculty and Staff Session of Library Escape Room

The OWU Libraries are looking for one final group to test the library’s escape room before we go live for students. The group will be between 5-10 people. We will have a waitlist available if there is more interest. Interested…

TIAA Financial Solution’s November Webinars

The TIAA Financial Solutions’ November 2019 live webinar schedule is available now from the Live Webinar Plan Sponsor Landing Page. These webinars, open to all institutional employees, are posted to the Live Webinar Lounge ( and are available for registration. In addition to…

TODAY@ 12:05 p.m. – Faculty & Staff Bible Study

Please know all faculty and staff are welcome to attend our Bible study group! We study a different verse each meeting – thus you cannot “fall behind.” We meet in Peale Chapel, bring your lunch if you’d like, we look…

Nov. 7 @ 2 – Digital Signage Workshop

Does your department have a digital signage screen, and you would like to better understand how to utilize it?  Does your department have an unused TV, and you would like to better communicate special events with the campus? Do you already…

Honorary Doctorate Degree – Call for Nominations

Dear Colleagues, Each year we solicit nominations from the faculty and staff of possible recipients of honorary doctorate degrees. Candidates may be eminent people in their respective fields or people who have contributed importantly to the betterment of our world.…