Category Faculty/Staff News & Events

Concur Reports Processed Early for July 4 Holiday

Accounting will run checks during the week of July 4 earlier in the week due to the holiday. Concur P-card, reimbursement, and cash advances will be processed on Monday, July 1, instead of Tuesday. Please plan accordingly! Also, all Concur…

Summer Storage Clean-Up Reminder

Summer is a good time to clean up storage space, and we’re running out of room in BishopApps/Google, our local network drives, and on Zoom. Please go through your Google Drive and delete any old files that you no longer…

June 26 @ 1 p.m. – Blackboard Training on the Gradebook and Grading

Information Services is pleased to announce this upcoming training opportunity, provided by Anthology’s professional Blackboard services: Gradebook and Grading Wednesday, June 26 at 1 PM Learn how to manage items and post grades from three views: Gradable Items, Grades, and…

June Blackboard Updates

Each month, Anthology releases feature enhancements and bug fixes for Blackboard Learn, our online learning management system. Here is what’s coming on Thursday, June 6. Follow a link to learn more. The June 2024 release is robust with features in…

New Honors Seminar: Are We Alone?

HONS 201.1 is a brand-new honors seminar offered this fall that explores the question, “Are We Alone?” For generations, humanity has wondered whether there is life elsewhere in the cosmos, and in this course we will learn about how scientists…

Camp Oh-Wooo Fac/Staff Partners: Interest Form Due June 1

Please complete this form to express your interest in volunteering to be a fac/staff partner for our Camp Oh-Wooo program. Camp Oh-Wooo runs Friday, Aug. 16 – Sunday, Aug. 18. Fac/Staff partners connect and form relationships with incoming new students at…

May 30 @ 1 p.m. – Blackboard Training on Assignments & Assessments

Information Services is pleased to announce this upcoming training opportunity, provided by Anthology’s professional Blackboard services: Assignments & Assessments Thursday, May 30 at 1 PM Learn how to create assignments alongside other content, so students can access their work next…

Summer Blackboard Training Opportunities

Information Services is pleased to announce upcoming training opportunities, provided by Anthology’s professional Blackboard services. Assignments & Assessments Thursday, May 30 at 1 PM Learn how to create assignments alongside other content, so students can access their work next to…

Fac/Staff Partners at Camp Oh-Wooo: Interest Form Open!

Please complete this form to express your interest in volunteering to be a fac/staff partner for our Camp Oh-Wooo program. Camp Oh-Wooo runs Friday, Aug. 16 – Sunday, Aug. 18. Fac/Staff partners connect and form relationships with incoming new students…