Category Campuswide News & Events

WinS Annual Poinsettia Sale Ends Nov. 11!

The Women in Science Club is having its annual poinsettia sale and this is the LAST WEEK! We have a variety of poinsettias and other festive plants available. Payment is requested at the time of order (check, cash, or Venmo…

Oct. 25 @ 4:10 p.m. – Biology Seminar Series Speaker

Join us for the next Biology Seminar Series speaker, Khara Strum (OWU ’01), Director, Philander Chase Conservancy, Kenyon College, discussing “Exploring the conservation toolbox for the benefit of people & wildlife.” Khara will speak at 4:10 p.m. Oct. 25 in Room 161 of the Schimmel/Conrades Science…

Nov. 5 @ 7 p.m. – A Cappellooza!

BISHOPS, mark your calendars for A Cappellooza This OWU tradition showcases our very own A Cappella groups, A Cappella groups from other universities, and a headliner performance! The event will take place on Nov. 5 from 7 pm-9 pm in…

Oct. 22 @ 9 a.m. – Delaware Farmers’ Market

Visit Sandusky Street between William and Central this Saturday to support your local growers and makers! Purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers, pumpkins, and baked goods to enjoy now, local honey and hand made gifts to enjoy and/or give later. Main…

Tonight @ 7 p.m. – J.K. Eddy Lecture: “Russia’s War Against Ukraine”

TONIGHT  the J.K. Eddy Lecture on World Politics returns to an in-person format, welcoming  Professor Yoshiko Herrera of the University of Wisconsin-Madison as she shares her thoughts regarding “Russia’s War Against Ukraine.”  In this timely talk Professor Herrera will discuss the factors that…

Tonight @ 7 p.m. – Join Us for Pitch OWU

Come watch OWU students compete against peers in various disciplines to pitch their ideas to a panel of judges; the top three teams or individuals will receive funding to foster the growth of their ventures. Pitch OWU Thursday, October 20,…

W2 Tax Form – Go Paperless Today!

Student Employees, Faculty & Staff: Go paperless and receive your IRS W-2 form electronically through the ADP Portal. January will be here soon! Make plans to receive your W-2 form electronically. It’s safer and faster! Please follow the steps below…

Oct. 28 @ 6:30 p.m. – Trick or Treat with the Bishops!

This year’s Trick or Treat with the Bishops is upon us! On Friday, Oct. 28, from 6:30-9, the JAYwalk will be open to the Delaware public, and kids from around town will be able to come trick or treat on…