Category Campuswide News & Events

Oct. 27-31 @ Noon – Fundraiser for Reproductive Access

YDSA is sponsoring a fundraiser for reproductive access in the Hamilton-Williams Atrium from noon-1 pm on Oct. 27, 28, and 31! Proceeds will be split between the Midwest Access Coalition and DSA chapters in states with upcoming competitive elections. If…

Oct. 30 @ 11 a.m. – Pick Up Trash With SEAL

On Sunday, Oct. 30, join SEAL in picking up trash following Halloween celebrations! Meet current members outside of their house (94B Rowland Ave.) at 11 a.m. Gloves and bags will be provided. The cleanup will wrap up around 1 p.m.…

SLAM Poster Sale is Still Going On!

If you were not able to make it to tabling to purchase a poster from The Student Led Art Movement, no worries. You can still order from our online link. All prints are made from art created by SLAM members.…

Nov. 12 – Tommy Orange Reading (Free!)

The Creative Writing Program at Ohio Wesleyan is pleased to celebrate the arrival of prominent Native writer, Tommy Orange, as a visiting writer at the Delaware County Public Library Orange branch location on Saturday, Nov. 12, from 7-9 pm. Any…

Survey Participants Needed

Dr. Ashley Kennard and I are conducting a research study titled “Examining Television Characters’ Likeability and Perceptions.” As part of the study, we are collecting data via a survey. The survey includes two parts. The first part is just to…

Clothing Drive for Affirming Attire

For a joint house project between SEAL and SAGE, we are collecting any and all clothing donations (including shoes) so that we can open a swap closet at the end of the semester for people to trade their clothing for…

Nov. 7 @ 6 p.m. – Revived, Recreated, and New Polytheist Faiths

Want to learn about modern pagan faiths? Come to the presentation on November 7, from 6-7 pm, in Peale Chapel at the Hamilton-Williams Campus Center. This house project will discuss the history of modern pagan and polytheist faiths, what it…