Category Campuswide News & Events

Feb. 9 @ 7 p.m. – For The CULTURE

“For the CULTURE.”  Come to Benes Room and join this interactive event with DJing, MC, Graffiti, Break-dancing, ROI Chess, History of Hip-Hop, and enjoy free food (Vegan options available).  It’s a Family Friendly Event. Start Time: 07:00PM End Time: 09:00PM Location:…

Jan. 30 @ 6 p.m. – Meet a Buddhist Faith Leader

Join the Chaplin’s Office and Residential Life as we hear from local Buddhist faith leader Lama Kathy Wesley as part of our ongoing interfaith speaker series.  The event is on Monday, January 30, at 6 pm in the Welch Reading…

Jan. 27 @ Noon – Ohio Immigrant Worker Project (Online Event)

Please join the Dept. of Sociology/Anthropology for an online conversation: Ohio Immigrant Worker Project Jeff Stewart, Executive Director and Activist Fri, Jan 27, noon to 1 p.m. On Zoom: (This was originally scheduled for in-person but had to be…

Jan. 29 – Plant Sale at the Ross!

Need a plant in a fun pot to brighten up your dorm room or office? The Ross Art Museum is hosting a sale of small to medium potted plants this Sunday, Jan. 29, from 1-4 pm. All plants under $15.…

TPG Info Sessions & Spring Deadline

Thinking Big about Going Global to Do Good and Get Real? Why not apply for a Theory-to-Practice Grant (TPG)? Info session(s) this Thursday, January 26, at 4:10 pm & Wednesday, February 1, at 4:10 pm. Both sessions will be in…

There Really ARE Events Happening All Weekend!

The OWU Daily’s events calendar feed isn’t working today, but please check our online events calendar for what’s happening on campus Friday-Sunday! We’re working to restore the calendar functionality as quickly as possible. Thank you for your understanding. TGIF, Bishops!…

4 Women’s Rugby Players Selected to All-Star Team

Congratulations to Etta Pierce, Hailey MacGregor, Jessie Bontaitibus, and Kayla Saikaly on being selected to the 2023 Ohio Valley Cardinals All Star Select team. They will be competing in Austin, Texas, on Jan. 21-22 for the Collegiate Rugby All-Stars Women’s…

Fitness Facility Hours – Spring Semester

Click the link to view the fitness facility hours for the spring semester! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Athletics Contact: Colin Parker at

New At The Libraries This Spring

The Libraries will be rolling out several service changes/additions this spring semester including: 1. A new opening time for Beeghly Library 2. The addition of a privacy pod for podcasting, meetings and more 3. The pilot of a new self-checkout…

Jan. 26 – Spring Student Involvement Fair

The spring Student Involvement Fair is January 26 from 11 am – 1 pm in the Benes Room in Hamilton-Williams Campus Center. You can visit tables to learn information about how to attend meetings, join a student organization, and attend…