Category Campuswide News & Events

Improvements to Campus Dispatch

Ohio Wesleyan has some great news from our partners at Campus Dispatch, who handle dispatching services for the Department of Public Safety. Campus Dispatch has grown and hired multiple new dispatchers, all of whom are both English and Spanish speakers.…

April 3-7 – Circle K: Period Product Drive

Circle K will have donation boxes at OWU from April 3-7 in various locations to collect period products (pads, tampons, menstrual cups, etc). All donations will go to Grace Clinic of Delaware. Period poverty is defined by inadequate access to…

Drop Off Your Clean Recyclables at Tree House!

As part of the ENVS 399 Sustainability Practicum class, we are working on making our campus more sustainable. Leftover food on recyclables contaminates them and makes them unrecyclable. We are launching a drop-off point for fully clean recyclables at the…

April 6 @ 8:30 a.m. – April Delaware Does Entrepreneurship!

The Delaware Entrepreneurial Center at OWU is hosting an exciting event for everyone interested in business and entrepreneurship! Join us for breakfast and watch successful entrepreneurs from our community pitch their business. Meet fellow entrepreneurs, investors, learn from others and…

Ham-Wil Parking Lot Closed Friday & Saturday, March 31-April 1

From Thursday, March 30, through Saturday, April 1, Ohio Wesleyan will hold its first Melvin Van Peebles Symposium. To help ensure a successful event, the Department of Public Safety will close the Hamilton-Williams Campus Center parking lot for use by…

April 2 @ 3 p.m. – Choral Art Society & Chamber Choir

Please join us for a choral concert on Sunday, April 2, at 3 p.m. in Gray Chapel. This concert will feature Ohio Wesleyan’s Choral Art Society and Chamber Choir, and some pieces will be accompanied by brass musicians and percussionists.…

Tonight @ 7 p.m. – Vogel Lecture “OWU at War”

Tonight is the night! Please join us for the 38th Joseph & Edith Vogel Lecture as our very own Professor Michael W. Flamm presents “OWU at War: Charles Leighton and the Memphis Belle.” Flamm will share his research about Charles…

March 30-April 1 – Van Peebles: Black Arts Symposium

The Melvin Van Peebles: Black Arts Symposium will start on Thursday, March 30, and be hosted at OWU on Friday, March 31, and Saturday, April 1. The Symposium will showcase films created or influenced by Melvin Van Peebles, include food banquets…