Category Campuswide News & Events

Parking: Changes are Coming!

Keep an eye out for changes to the parking system for the 2023-2024 academic year. We’ll be putting information out throughout the summer on what to expect and how to use the new system. This project is anticipated to level…

Which Recycling Signage Is Most Effective?

Have you noticed how recycling signage varies across campus? The dorms have one type, Beeghly library another, and the student mailroom still another. Please let us know which type of recycling signage is the most effective in this quick and…

April 17 @ 6:30 p.m. – SAAM Poetry Slam

April is recognized nationally as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. In honor of the strength and experiences of our students, the Bishop Way invites you to attend a poetry slam at the outdoor amphitheater to share your story or listen to…

XANADU Opening Night – TONIGHT

Do you love Greek gods and roller discos? Look no further for your weekend plans than stopping by to see OWU’s own perform a Broadway hit musical, Xanadu! OWU brings magic, disco energy, and all the 1980s back to campus…

Friday, April 14,  4:30-6:30 p.m. – Art Show Reception

Everyone is invited Friday, April 14, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. to a reception at the Werner Gallery in Edgar Hall for graduating Senior Katie Lee’s Fine Arts Honor Show “To Be Determined…” Please join Katie for this special art exhibit, part…

Green Week Next Week!

Join us in celebrating Green Week from April 16-23! Visit the many hands-on, educational activities dedicated to Earth Day and sustainability hosted by various on-campus environmental organizations. View the schedule at the Green Week website here. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Tree…

April 16 @ 3 p.m. – David Gale Senior Violin Recital

Please join us this Sunday, April 16, at 3 p.m. in Jemison Auditorium for David Gale’s Senior Recital! David will be playing works by both Beethoven and Mendelssohn. Admission is free. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Performing Arts Department Contact: Anneliese Ingraham at

Want to Learn about the Secrets of Consciousness?

For millennia, philosophers, clinicians, and scientists have aimed to answer how does consciousness emerge? The Neurds Neuroscience Club is offering a glimpse at the answer. The Neurds Neuroscience Club has organized a research talk by OWU alum, Sharif Kronemer, Ph.D.…

XANADU Tickets Available Now!

Do you love Greek gods and roller discos? Look no further for your weekend plans — stop by to see OWU’s own perform a Broadway hit musical, Xanadu! OWU brings magic, disco energy, and all the 1980s back to campus…