Category Campuswide News & Events

Athletic Facility Hours – Summer Hours

The athletic facility schedule will adjust beginning Monday, May 15. Check out the link to view the updated hours! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Athletics Contact: Colin Parker at

Join the FINAL LAP Tunnel for Seniors! TODAY, MAY 11 @ 5 p.m.

Please mark your calendars for TODAY at 5 p.m. for the Final Lap for our 2023 graduates. Following the conclusion of commencement rehearsal, the seniors will take their final lap around campus. We hope you’ll join us in making a…

Come Celebrate our Phi Beta Kappa Initiates

The initiation of the Class of 2023 Phi Beta Kappa initiates will take place this Friday, May 12, at 10:30 a.m. in Gray Chapel. All are welcome and encouraged to attend to celebrate this great achievement. The new inductees join…

♻️May Move Out! is Here for You!♻️

Do you have donatable items you don’t want anymore? May Move Out (MMO) will run until May 10 (for most pods) or May 14 for our Bradford Milligan pod! Look for large storage pods in your dorm parking lot to…

Today from 6-9 p.m. – Game Night at First Friday!

Main Street Delaware’s May 5 First Friday will feature a Game Night theme! Come downtown to enjoy all sorts of sports stations, interactive games, contests, and more! Join the fun from 6 to 9 p.m. today in downtown Delaware! Source:…

TODAY @ 4:10 p.m. – The Owl Launch Party! 🥳

Celebrate the last day of classes by coming to the Owl Literary Magazine launch party outside of Sturges Hall (or inside Sturges 005 if it rains) today at 4:10! You’ll have a chance to eat free food and see your…

OWU Daily Summer Publication Schedule, May 15-Aug. 7

Thank you for a great year! The OWU Daily will be published once a week on Mondays between May 15 and Aug. 7, with daily publication resuming Aug. 14. (If the University is closed for a Monday holiday during these…

May 3 @ 6:30 p.m. – DEC OWU Ball

Join us for DEC OWU Ball,  an end-of-year celebration for all of our members and supporting community to appreciate all the amazing work of our entrepreneurs! Our Ball is ’80s themed, so be ready to travel back in time and…

May 2 @ Noon – Talk by Nigerian Artist Ernest Nkwocha

If you have seen the lifesize Unicorn made from recycled tires in Boardman Arts Park, across West William Street from Smith Hall, you have seen the work of Nigerian artist Ernest Nkwocha! He will be on campus Tuesday, May 2,…