Category Campuswide News & Events

Sept. 27 @ 4-6 p.m. – English Dept. Scavenger Hunt!

Join us Wednesday, Sept. 27, from 4-6 p.m. for an English Department Scavenger Hunt! The hunt will begin in the basement of Sturges Hall and take you throughout the building. Learn all about what Sturges has to offer while enjoying…

Sept. 23 – BSU Car Wash Fundraiser

Drive in with a dusty ride and cruise out with pride! Support a great cause and leave with a spotless car for just $7! Cash and online forms of payment are both accepted and tips are also welcomed. BSU Car…

Sept. 30 – Fall Into Health at Unity Community Center

The OWU community is invited to attend “Fall Into Health,” a FREE family-friendly event from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 30, at the Unity Community Center, 50A Ross St., Delaware. The event will include: Community Bike Ride, 2:15 p.m.…

Sept. 26 @ Noon: Section 504 Turns 50, Come Have Cake with ASO!

Come celebrate with the Accessibility Services Office (ASO) as we recognize the 50th Anniversary of Section 504! On Sept. 26, 1973, the first federal civil rights protection for people with disabilities, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, was signed into…

Sept. 26 – 4:15 p.m. – Aza Pace Reading

The English Department is pleased to welcome Aza Pace on Tuesday, Sept. 26, from 4:15-5:15 p.m. in the Milligan Room of Slocum Hall. Pace is a poet interested in eco-poetics, ekphrasis, and rewritings of myth. She often draws on Texas…

Sept. 25 at Noon – OWU Library Town Hall

This a reminder to join Dee Peterson, Brian Rellinger, Office of Communications staff, and Matt vandenBerg for an OWU Library Town Hall from noon to 1 p.m. Monday, Sept. 25, in Hobson Library. At the session, we will: -Update you…

Sept. 26 (Tues) @ 6:30 p.m. – The Alpha Course

The Alpha Course is a program that seeks to provide an opportunity to explore the meaning of life and what the Christian faith is through a series of open conversations (we will first watch short videos). All non-Christian and Christian…

Upper Tier of HWCC Parking Lot to Close Thursday Night (Sept. 21)

Ohio Wesleyan will be closing the upper tier of the Hamilton-Williams Campus Center parking lot at 11 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 21, to enable Buildings & Grounds to bring a crane to campus Friday morning for work on the Hamilton-Williams Campus…