Category Campuswide News & Events

Oct. 23 @ 4 p.m – Zombie Genes with Dr. Jeffrey Loeb

Come join the Genetics Club in their meeting with Dr. Jeffrey Loeb, the department head of Neurology and Rehabilitation at the University of Illinois Chicago. Learn about his research on Zombie Genes. In addition to the guest speaker, there will…

Oct. 26 @7:30 p.m. – Smith Lecture: The Howling Storm

Come join us for the Dr. Richard W. Smith Lecture on Civil War History on Oct. 26 at 7:30 p.m. in Benes Rooms A-B.  Dr. Kenneth Noe will present The Howling Storm: Weather, Climate, and the American Civil War.  This lecture…

All Week @ Noon – The Clothesline Project

OMSA is conducting the Clothesline Project as part of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The Clothesline Project is a visual display that raises awareness about the issue of violence, particularly toward women. It consists of T-shirts made by survivors of…

Oct. 19 – Wear Purple Day

Purple is the official color of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The third Thursday in Domestic Violence Awareness month is recognized nationally as wear purple day.  Support your OWU Community by wearing purple to raise awareness of domestic violence and showing…

Oct. 22 @ Noon – Sisters United Breast Cancer Awareness Brunch

Join us at the Ohio Wesleyan University Benes Rooms for a special event dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer. This in-person brunch is a chance for sisters from all walks of life to come together and show support for those…

Oct. 24 @ 6 p.m. – Take Back the Night

Take Back the Night is the earliest worldwide movement to stand against sexual violence, especially violence against women. Join your OWU community in standing up to sexual and domestic violence on Tuesday, Oct. 24, for a march across campus, speak-out,…

Oct. 18 – Libraries Take Over the JAYwalk

The Delaware County District Library is bringing its Bookmobile to the JAYwalk tomorrow, Wednesday, Oct. 18, at 12:45. Stop by to sign up for a public library card and pick up your next great read. The OWU Libraries and Academic Resource…

Tree Planting Volunteers Needed! Seeking Availability Info Today!

The Department of Environment and Sustainability is partnering with the City of Delaware to gather approximately 15-20 volunteers to help plant trees during the first week of November. They are currently interested in knowing how many students would be interested,…