Category Campuswide News & Events

You Are OWU Awards – Nominate Today

The You Are OWU Award recognizes students, staff and faculty for their success and accomplishments that benefit the OWU community and for being an exemplary leader for others. The purpose of this award is to recognize a student, staff, faculty,…

Help Us Launch New ‘Student Life Calendar’

The Student Involvement Office is working to create a single calendar that shares important and fun student events in one place. Beginning today, when you submit information to the OWU Daily, you’ll be asked whether you also want to submit…

Sept. 12 – Volunteer Training for 2018 Voter Registration Drive

1,500 votes decided OH’s District 12 special election this summer. Every vote counts this November, and OWU can make a difference! Those interested in volunteering with OWU’s voter registration drive should attend a training on Wed., Sept. 12 at 4:30…

Saphir Funding Announcement – Apply by Oct. 4

The Saphir Funds were created by a gift to the Economics Department from Joel Leonard Saphir. Any OWU student or current Economics department faculty member is eligible to apply for the Saphir Funds. For a complete description of the funds…

Sept. 14 – Ohwoo’s Game of Games!

CPB and Res Life invite everyone to come to Ohwoo’s Game of Games from 7-9 p.m. Friday, Sept. 14, in the Benes Rooms for a night of food, games, and Improv. “Minute to Win It” styled games will be followed…

Sept. 18 – Crust or No Crust? i³ Knows the Recipe!

Does authentic pot pie have a crust? Find out when Chris Fink and nine other OWU faculty explore fascinating questions and big ideas at OWU’s famous i³ lectures. Arrive early to get your seat Tues., Sept. 18, 12-1 p.m. in…

Sept. 18 – Science Library Open House

Faculty, staff, and students are invited to an open house reception in Hobson Science Library on Tues., Sept. 18 from 4:10 p.m.-6 p.m. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet Holly Birk, Public Services Librarian currently assigned to the Sciences,…

Sept. 13 – Science Lecture Series: Dr. Alexandria Volkening

The Science Lecture Series is back for the Fall semester! This Thurs., Sept. 13, we are pleased to welcome Dr. Alexandria Volkening from the Ohio State University. The lecture will occur at 4:10 p.m. in SCSC, Room 163. Title: Modeling…

Sept. 15 – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to Pack Meal Bags

Register yourself/a group to volunteer at the GENEROSITY FEEDS Meal Creation Event at Olentangy Liberty Middle School ( this Saturday. GENEROSITY FEEDS is a national non-profit, focused on making an impact in child hunger in communities across America. They bring…

Sept. 13 – OWU WordPress Scheduled Maintenance

The OWU WordPress server ( and the Pride of the Bishops site ( will be down for updates for a brief period starting shortly after 10 p.m. on Thurs., Sept. 13. The outage should be no more than a few…