Category Campuswide News & Events

Flu Vaccinations for Students, Faculty and Staff

The OWU Student Health Center now has flu vaccines available for all OWU students, faculty and staff. Call the Health Center now at (740) 368-3160 to schedule an appointment. We will bill your insurance, but if you wish to pay…

You Are OWU Award – Submit a Nomination by Oct. 23

The You Are OWU Award recognizes students, staff and faculty for their success and accomplishments that benefit the OWU community and for being an exemplary leader. Click here to nominate today:  The selection committee prefers to recognize specific events/moments that…

Oct. 9 – Last Day to Register to Vote!

You only have a few days left to register to vote! NOTE: If you registered to vote in 2016 and your address has changed (for example, if you are registered here in Delaware and you changed dorms), you MUST update…

TONIGHT – OWU Campus Store Midnight Sale: 10PM-MIDNIGHT

OWU Campus Store Homecoming & Family Weekend Midnight Sale! Tonight! Friday 10 p.m.-Midnight. * 10% off all general merchandise. * New items not for sale until start of event. * Deeper Discounts on other marked items. * Raffle prizes awarded after…

TONIGHT @ 8 p.m. – Homecoming Bonfire!

Join in celebrating OWU at the Homecoming Bonfire on Fri., Oct. 5, from 8 p.m. – 10 p.m. on Fraternity Hill. Enjoy FREE pizza (while supplies last), kettle popcorn, s’mores, a beer garden and apple cider! There will be music,…

Oct. 10 – 15th Annual Olentangy Watershed Forum

For the past 15 years, the Olentangy Watershed Forum has connected citizens and experts who wish to explore issues that impact the quality of life in the watershed. Please join us for state-of-the-watershed updates by sponsors including Delaware Soil &…

Oct. 9 – OWU WordPress Scheduled Maintenance

The OWU WordPress server ( and the Pride of the Bishops site ( will be down for updates for a brief period starting shortly after 10 p.m. on Tues., Oct. 9. The outage should be no more than a few…

Oct. 10 – 15th Annual Olentangy Watershed Forum

For the past 15 years, the Olentangy Watershed Forum has connected citizens and experts who wish to explore issues that impact the quality of life in the watershed. Please join us for state-of-the-watershed updates by sponsors including Delaware Soil &…

You Are OWU Award – Submit a Nomination by Oct. 23

The You Are OWU Award recognizes students, staff and faculty for their success and accomplishments that benefit the OWU community and for being an exemplary leader. Click here to nominate today:  The selection committee prefers to recognize specific events/moments that…