Category Campuswide News & Events

Nov. 9 @ 5 p.m. – First-Gen OWU Celebration Week Mixer!

Join us at the First-Gen OWU Celebration Week Mixer! Date: Thursday, Nov. 9 Time: 5 pm-6:30 pm  Location: Merrick 301  Who’s Invited: First-Gen Students, Faculty, Staff, Alumni, and Allies!  Mix, mingle, and meet first-gen students, alumni, faculty, and staff  Share…

Nov. 6-10 – First-Gen OWU Celebration Week Schedule!

Mark your calendars! First-Gen OWU Celebration Week is Nov. 6-Nov. 10! Monday, Nov. 6 | First-Gen OWU Spirit Giveaways Get your First-Gen OWU Celebration Week swag! Limited edition long-sleeve tees, short-sleeve tees, laptop Stickers, backpack buttons, and more! Time: 12…

Nov. 5 @ 3 p.m. – Senior Trumpet Recital

Please join us for Logan Page’s Senior Trumpet Recital! The recital will be held on Sunday, Nov. 5, at 3 p.m. and will take place in Jemison Auditorium. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Performing Arts Department Contact: Anneliese Ingraham at

Nov. 3-4 @ 8 p.m. – ‘Spooked!’ Musical Theatre Scenes

Join us at 8 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 3, or Saturday, Nov. 4, for a scary good time! This semester’s musical theatre scenes include excerpts from Sweeney Todd, Ride the Cyclone, and The Addams Family! Spook you there! Location: Sanborn…

🌺Attention Plant Enthusiasts!🌺

 Get Festive with Poinsettias! Are you looking to add a festive touch to your home or office this holiday season? Look no further! Our STEM Club is thrilled to offer you the opportunity to purchase beautiful Poinsettia plants.  What’s Available:…

Nov. 10-12 – Orchesis Dance Concert

Ohio Wesleyan’s Orchesis Dance Company will present three performances of “Orchesis 23/24,” a contemporary dance concert that explores the theme of individuality through choreography by guest artist Sarah Ramey, director of Perennial Movement Group of Columbus, Ohio, and six student-choreographers.…

Help Support The 9th Annual Fight Against Hunger Games!

Residential Life, SEAL House, and Service Learning are in need of fellow Bishops to battle against hunger by collecting food for Delaware County residents. Help us collect boxes of brownie mix for the 9th annual Fight Against Hunger Games. Our…

Nov. 1 @ 12:10 p.m – Last STF Meeting of the Semester!

This Wednesday, Nov. 1, @ 12:10 p.m. on the top floor of Merrick Hall (Room 301), we will hold our last Sustainability Task Force meeting of the semester! Come learn about a new Treehouse project, a “Beyond Crisis” event, information…

Last Day to Request a Ballot for the Nov. 7 election!

TODAY is the last day to request a ballot for the Nov. 7 election! Come to our table in HWCC TODAY to get a request form! SEAL and YDSA will be tabling in the Hamilton-Williams Atrium during the lunch hour…