Category Campuswide News & Events

Oct. 28 – Faculty Recital: Dr. Youmee Kim

Join the Music Department on Oct. 28 for a faculty recital in Jemison Auditorium. Piano faculty, Dr. Youmee Kim, will play at 3:15 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. Start Date/Time: October 28, 2018 at 3:15…

TODAY: Jump Into Conversation With CoW and I.F. Houses!

Holy CoW! Come Dive into Dialogue with Citizens of the World and Interfaith House! We’ll have a bounce house and discussion beach balls, so we can have conversations about faith and culture in a fun and informal setting. Everyone is…

TODAY @ noon – Pray the Rosary in Peale Chapel!

Did you know the Rosary has been referred to the weapon of our time? However, it is not actually used against anyone in a physical manner. Rather it is a spiritual weapon, “a powerful weapon to put the demons to…

Oct. 28 – Faculty Recital: Dr. Youmee Kim

Join the Music Department on Oct. 28 for a faculty recital in Jemison Auditorium. Piano faculty, Dr. Youmee Kim, will play at 3:15 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. Start Date/Time: October 28, 2018 at 3:15…

Nov. 4 – Kappa Alpha Theta’s CASA CARNIVAL

Come one, come all, to the greatest Carnival of them all! Kappa Alpha Theta presents: CASA Carnival, a harvest carnival full of games, prizes, a costume contest, face painting, food and more! All proceeds go to Delaware County’s Court Appointed…

Oct. 26 – Candlelight Vigil for Hollis Morrison

The Candlelight Vigil for our beloved Hollis Morrison will be held this Fri., Oct. 26, at 6:30 p.m. at the Labyrinth. Please come join us for this quiet, reflective and prayerful time to celebrate and honor the life of this…

Tonight – Hispanic Film Festival: ‘Verano 1993’ Screening

OWU’s Hispanic Film Festival will have a screening and discussion of ‘VERANO 1993’ [Summer 1993] on Thurs., Oct. 25 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Corns Building, Room 312. In the summer of 1993, following the death of her parents to…