Category Campuswide News & Events

Oct. 30 – Chamber Orchestra Concert

Join Ohio Wesleyan University’s Chamber Orchestra for their Fall concert on Oct. 30 at 8:00 PM in Gray Chapel. This event is free and open to the public. Start Date/Time: October 30, 2018 at 8:00 PM. End Date/Time: October 30,…

Nov. 3 – A Cappellooza!

Date: Saturday, Nov. 3, 2018 Time: Starts at 7 p.m. Where: University Hall – Gray Chapel Cost: FREE for OWU Students, staff, and faculty! (With ID); $5 for General Public. Grab tickets at the pink table during the lunch hour…

Voting on Election Day? You Need a Form of Identification!

We encourage all students to participate in early voting, which ends November 5 at 2 PM. If you’re registered to vote in Delaware, you can vote early at the Delaware County Board of Elections. See here for shuttle options: …

Voting Absentee? Deadlines Approaching!

If you are voting absentee, please note that in Ohio, the deadline to request an absentee ballot is Saturday, November 3 at noon, and your absentee ballot must be postmarked by November 5. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Arneson Institute for Practical…

AVI Fresh Dining Satisfaction Survey

Are you satisfied with AVI Fresh’s work so far on campus? Let us know how we’re doing by filling out this survey! Find it here:  OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: AVI Foodsystems. Contact: Alexis Roach at

Tonight – Candlelight Vigil for Hollis Morrison

The Candlelight Vigil for our beloved Hollis Morrison will be held this Fri., Oct. 26, at 6:30 p.m. at the Labyrinth. Please come join us for this quiet, reflective, and prayerful time to celebrate and honor the life of this…

Want to Attend Bible Baptist Church? Rides Are Open for All!

Interested in getting off-campus and going to church on Sundays? Meet at 8:50 a.m. in the Stuyvesant Hall parking lot for a ride to Bible Baptist Church in Marysville. Look for the big church van. We will get you back on…

Oct. 30 – Chamber Orchestra Concert

Join Ohio Wesleyan University’s Chamber Orchestra for their Fall concert on Oct. 30 at 8:00 PM in Gray Chapel. This event is free and open to the public. Start Date/Time: October 30, 2018 at 8:00 PM. End Date/Time: October 30,…

Saturday Athletic Events

Women’s and Men’s Cross Country will compete in their conference championship at Liberty Park this Saturday. The Women’s teams are set to run at 11 a.m. and the Men’s teams will follow at 11:45 a.m. Women’s Field Hockey, Women’s Soccer,…