Category Campuswide News & Events

Oct. 31 – Men’s Soccer Hosts NCAC Semifinal

Men’s Soccer will host the NCAC semifinal game against Denison University on Wed., Oct. 31. The game will be played at Roy Rike Field and kickoff is set for 7 p.m. Tickets are $7 for adults, $3 for youth (18…

Voting on Election Day? You Need a Form of Identification!

We encourage all students to participate in early voting, which ends November 5 at 2 PM. If you’re registered to vote in Delaware, you can vote early at the Delaware County Board of Elections. See here for shuttle options: …

Contribute to Neuroscience: Video Gaming Survey

Contribute to the Field of Neuroscience by participating in a survey study about video gaming. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the pathological use of video games, depression, anxiety, and escapism. The link below contains…

Last Week for Early Voting! Shuttles Available!

This is the last week for early voting. If you’re registered to vote in Delaware and need a ride, we’re here to help. A full list of shuttle options is posted at . This week’s shuttles are: Tues. Oct.…

Voting Absentee? Deadlines Approaching!

If you are voting absentee, please note that in Ohio, the deadline to request an absentee ballot is Saturday, November 3 at noon, and your absentee ballot must be postmarked by November 5. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Arneson Institute for Practical…

Contribute to Neuroscience: Video Gaming Survey

Contribute to the Field of Neuroscience by participating in a survey study about video gaming. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the pathological use of video games, depression, anxiety, and escapism. The link below contains…

Nov. 7 – Cynthia Cetlin on “Preserving Indian Textiles”

As part of the Comparative Literature Department’s Text-Tiles exhibit, we are pleased to announce Cynthia Cetlin (Department of Fine Arts) as our featured guest speaker. Please join us for a talk by our OWU colleague. The talk is titled “Preserving…

Last Week for Early Voting! Shuttles Available!

This is the last week for early voting. If you’re registered to vote in Delaware and need a ride, we’re here to help. A full list of shuttle options is posted at . This week’s shuttles are: Tues. Oct.…