Category Campuswide News & Events

Contribute to Neuroscience: Video Gaming Survey

Contribute to the Field of Neuroscience by participating in a survey study about video gaming. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the pathological use of video games, depression, anxiety, and escapism. The link below contains…

Nov. 7 – Deepen Community Work With Famous Dance Company

The Urban Bush Women seek to inspire artists, activists, audiences and communities through performances, education and community engagement. This interactive workshop is for students who have worked with communities other than their own. We especially encourage students who have taken…

Nov. 2 – Don’t Miss the Musical Party of the Year!

Please join the Ohio Wesleyan Department of Music as we present ‘By Invitation Only: The Musical Party of the Year!’ This evening of opera scenes will feature music from Stephen Sondheim’s beloved musical ‘A Little Night Music’ and Johann Strauss’s…

Nov. 2 – WCSA Election Gala!

Campus Community, WCSA cordially invites you to attend the WCSA Election Gala this Friday from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the Benes Rooms! We will have food and music, and we will be announcing the results of the election.…

TOMORROW – Theory-to-Practice Grant DEADLINE

The deadline for the fall round of Theory-to-Practice grant applications is tomorrow, Thurs., Nov. 1 at midnight. You can find a link to the application and guidelines for submission on the TPG website: Please stop by the Merrick desk or…

Been to Two or Three Sagan Events? Come Get a Tote Bag!

The Ross Art Museum still has many free SNC tote bags to give away! If you are a faculty member, staff or student and have been to two or three Sagan National Colloquium events, bring your SNC punch card(s) to…

Voting Absentee? Deadlines Approaching!

If you are voting absentee, please note that in Ohio, the deadline to request an absentee ballot is Saturday, November 3 at noon, and your absentee ballot must be postmarked by November 5. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Arneson Institute for Practical…

Oct. 30 – Chamber Orchestra Concert

Join Ohio Wesleyan University’s Chamber Orchestra for their Fall concert on Oct. 30 at 8:00 PM in Gray Chapel. This event is free and open to the public. Start Date/Time: October 30, 2018 at 8:00 PM. End Date/Time: October 30,…

Nov. 2 – One-Person Show: “White Rabbit Red Rabbit”

“White Rabbit Red Rabbit” is a play. It’s also a lively, global sensation that no one is allowed to talk about. Its award-winning playwright is Iranian. His words have escaped censorship and are awaiting you, the audience. This ‘theater entertainment…