Category Campuswide News & Events

Support the 9th Annual Fight Against Hunger Games!

Residential Life, SEAL House, and Service Learning are in need of fellow Bishops to battle against hunger by collecting food for Delaware County residents. Help us collect boxes of brownie mix for the 9th annual Fight Against Hunger Games. Our…

Nov. 11 at 6 p.m. – A Horror Movie Viewing for Science!

Do you love to watch horror movies? If so, come to our horror movie night to watch “Paranormal Activity 3” for a maximum of 2 hours and 30 minutes for free. We will be providing fun Halloween-themed gifts at the…

Nov. 9 @ 8 p.m. – Chamber Orchestra Concert

Please join us for the Chamber Orchestra concert on Thursday, Nov. 9, at 8 p.m. in Gray Chapel! This concert will feature a wide range of works, including some compositions and arrangements done by OWU students! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Performing…

Nov. 10, 11 & 12 – Orchesis Dance Concert!

Ohio Wesleyan’s Orchesis Dance Company will present three performances of “Orchesis 23/24,” a contemporary dance concert that explores the theme of individuality through choreography by guest artist Sarah Ramey, director of Perennial Movement Group of Columbus, Ohio; and six student-choreographers.…

Nov. 13 – Griffey’s Book Emporium Visits OWU!

Stop by Ham-Wil between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Nov. 13 to learn about Griffey’s Book Emporium! Griffey’s is a hidden gem that sells used, rare, local, and indie books along with a variety of book-related gifts. They specialize in…

Nov. 7 @ 4:10 p.m. – Biology Seminar Series with Dr. Allison Litmer

Either before or after you vote, please join the Biology Seminar Series for a talk by Dr. Allison Litmer, Post-doctoral researcher here at OWU: “The Influence of Temperature and Prey Availability on Lizard Physiology and Population Growth.” Free and open to everyone. There will be…

Field Hockey/Football Games Saturday, Nov. 4!

Following field hockey’s win on Wednesday, the team will be playing the CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIP game at Selby Stadium on Saturday 11/4/23 at noon, followed by the football game at 4 p.m. We’d love to fill the stands with a large…

Take the 2023 State of OWU Survey

Students involved in PG 300.39 course and Mock Convention are interested in your political attitudes on key issues. We want to know your opinions on the GOP presidential candidates, President Biden, and more! Public Opinion students will analyze the responses.…