Category Campuswide News & Events

Nov. 9 and 10 – Join Us for ‘Orchesis 18/19’

The Department of Theatre and Dance presents ‘Orchesis 18/19,’ its annual contemporary dance concert. This year’s production will be on the Main Stage of Chappelear Drama Center on Fri., Nov. 9 at 8 p.m. and Sat., Nov. 10 at 2…

Pedestrian Safety, End of Daylight Saving Time

Please follow the pedestrian safety tips shared here. Now that Daylight Saving Time has ended, it gets darker earlier at night, making it more challenging for motorists to see you. Wear reflective clothing at night. For those walking in the dark, clothes with…

Nov. 9 – Celebration of Life for Dr. Sally Livingston

On behalf of Dr. Sally Livingston’s friends and colleagues in the Department of Comparative Literature, please join us, along with Sally’s beloved sister, Mimi Ginsberg, for a celebration of Sally and her remarkable life in the Benes Rooms of Ham-Wil…

Nov. 5 – Sophomore Registration Portal Opens at 7 AM

The Sophomore registration portal opens at 7 a.m. on Monday, November 5 and closes at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, November 6. Reminders: – Please be sure you have received authorization to register from your academic advisor. Students cannot register unless…

Nov. 8 – Dr. Catherine Rogers: Food and Family Health

In her work as a clinical dietitian in childhood weight management, Dr. Catherine Rogers came to the conclusion that working with the entire family is essential to see positive changes. She returned to The Ohio State University to obtain her…

Nov. 6 – Park Avenue Jazz Ensemble Concert

Join the Park Avenue Jazz Ensemble on Nov. 6 in Gray Chapel at 8 p.m. for an evening of exciting music ranging from classics by Duke Ellington to modern-day works by Gordon Goodwin and Victor Lopez. Admission is free and…

Nov. 7 – Cynthia Cetlin on “Preserving Indian Textiles”

As part of the Comparative Literature Department’s Text-Tiles exhibit, we are pleased to announce Cynthia Cetlin (Department of Fine Arts) as our featured guest speaker. Please join us for a talk by our OWU colleague. The talk is titled “Preserving…

Nov. 9 and 10 – Join Us for ‘Orchesis 18/19’

The Department of Theatre and Dance presents ‘Orchesis 18/19,’ its annual contemporary dance concert. This year’s production will be on the Main Stage of Chappelear Drama Center on Fri., Nov. 9 at 8 p.m. and Sat., Nov. 10 at 2…