Category Campuswide News & Events

Nov. 10 – Diwali Celebration

Come observe Diwali, the Festival of Lights, with us! All are welcome to cultural experiences, cuisines, and to celebrate and learn more about Diwali. The event will take place Saturday, Nov. 10 in the Benes Rooms (B and C). The…

You Are OWU Award – Submit a Nomination by Nov. 20

The You Are OWU Award recognizes students, staff and faculty for their success and accomplishments that benefit the OWU community and for being an exemplary leader. Click here to nominate today:  The selection committee prefers to recognize specific events/moments that…

Nov. 9 – Celebration of Life for Dr. Sally Livingston

On behalf of Dr. Sally Livingston’s friends and colleagues in the Department of Comparative Literature, please join us, along with Sally’s beloved sister, Mimi Ginsberg, for a celebration of Sally and her remarkable life in the Benes Rooms of Ham-Wil…

Song Requests for Pres Ball?

Have a song you really want to dance to at President’s Ball on December 1st? Let us know! President’s Ball will be sending all of these requests to our DJ! Please fill out this form:  Remember to have the artist’s…

TODAY @ 7 p.m. – Dr. Catherine Rogers: Food and Family Health

In her work as a clinical dietitian in childhood weight management, Dr. Catherine Rogers came to the conclusion that working with the entire family is essential to see positive changes. She returned to The Ohio State University to obtain her…

Nov. 8 – Student Recital: Mu Phi Epsilon

Join the music fraternity, Mu Phi Epsilon, for their fall recital. Jemison Auditorium, 8:00 PM, November 8, 2018. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Music Department. Contact: Jasmine Spitzer at

CoSIDA Recognition Week – Thank You, Mark Beckenbach!

College Sports Information Directors of America celebrates the third annual CoSIDA Membership Recognition Week Nov. 7 through the 13. Ohio Wesleyan Athletics would like to thank Mark Beckenbach for all his hard work over the years and continuous support of…

Nov. 9 and 10 – Join Us for ‘Orchesis 18/19’

The Department of Theatre and Dance presents ‘Orchesis 18/19,’ its annual contemporary dance concert. This year’s production will be on the Main Stage of Chappelear Drama Center on Fri., Nov. 9 at 8 p.m. and Sat., Nov. 10 at 2…