Category Campuswide News & Events

Dec. 7 – The Lost and NOW FOUND at the SIO!

The Lost and Found from the Student Involvement Office will be placing all items outside of the office. Please come visit if you think you may have lost something! Items will be available Fri., Dec. 7. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student…

Ham-Wil Conference Rooms Usage Update

Effective immediately and until further notice, all Ham-Wil conference rooms will be locked weekdays at 8:00 p.m. All conference rooms will remain locked over the weekends. Any events scheduled in a conference room when they are locked will be unlocked…

Dec. 3 – OWU Libraries: End-of-Semester Hours Begin

End-of-semester hours including reading and finals days for the OWU Libraries can be viewed by visiting  Updates or changes to these hours will also be posted to the hours page on our website. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Libraries. Contact: Pam…

Dec. 5 – Notice: PowerCampus Self-Service Outage Planned

A time-sensitive upgrade to the Student Information System is needed to support 1098T processing. Information Services will apply the update starting at 5:00 p.m. on Dec. 5. PowerCampus and the Self-Service website will be unavailable during the upgrade process (estimate…

Lost and Found at OWU Libraries

Before the end of the semester, if you want to come and check for any missing belongings in our Lost & Found (such as power cords/chargers, water bottles, notebooks, coats, etc.), stop by The Desk at the Beeghly Library and…

Today – Reduced Parking in Edwards Lot

Please note that all day today, Mon., Dec. 3, parking will be reduced in the Edwards Gym parking lot near the Sandusky Street entrance. Additionally, driving will become one-way near the Sandusky Street entrance starting at 4:00 p.m. This is…

TONIGHT – Lessons and Carols Concert

Join the Choral Art Society and various community members and groups for the annual presentation of Lessons and Carols. This beautiful way of starting the Christmas season will take place in Gray Chapel on Mon., Dec. 3 at 7:00 p.m.…