Category Campuswide News & Events

Nov. 17 – Native Plant Seed Giveaway!

Are you interested in learning how native flora help us throughout the year? Come by Hamilton-Williams Campus Center before break this Friday from noon to 1 p.m. to learn about the benefits of planting and having native plants in your…

Thanksgiving Break Hours for Library Services

Thanksgiving break hours for Hobson Library can be viewed on the library’s website at  Any changes to our hours will also be found on our website. Have a good break! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: University Library Contact: Pam Majors at

Nov. 16 – CoW Cultural Potluck, RSVP Now

Join friends of Citizens of the World (Nov. 16, 6-8 p.m.) for a cultural potluck! The goal of this project is to share our backgrounds and cultures with one another through food. The item you bring should be significant to…

Nov. 14 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. – Art Show in Merrick Hall

In the spirit of the Melvin Van Peebles Symposium, the CDO office is looking to highlight black artists and give them the opportunity to express their artwork. Nelease Danzy will have an art exhibit today! She has been working on…

OWU Daily on Break Nov. 21-24

The OWU Daily will be published on Monday, Nov. 20, and then be on break until Monday, Nov. 27. In addition to our morning emails, the OWU Daily is available 24/7 online at, where the archives are searchable (in…

Nov. 16 @ Noon – Panel on Palestine

Please join YDSA at noon on the third floor of Merrick Hall for a Panel on Palestine. Drs. Toenjes, Kim, and Comorau will be contextualizing the current events in Palestine. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU YDSA Contact: Holly Bostian at

Nov. 13 at Noon – Vigil for Palestine

Join YDSA outside of Beeghly Library for a vigil for Palestine. We urge the OWU community to come together in solidarity with the people of Palestine to show support for those currently suffering and in remembrance of those who have…