Category Campuswide News & Events

Dec. 9 – OWU Professor on 10TV’s ‘Face the State’

Dr. Brianna Mack, assistant professor of politics and government, will appear on the Dec. 9 edition of 10TV’s “Face the State,” hosted by anchor and reporter Scott Light. The show airs at 11:30 a.m. and is archived online at  Sunday’s…

Dec. 7 @ 7 p.m. – Join BSU for a KWANZAA Celebration!

Join BSU this Fri., Dec. 7 at 7 p.m. to celebrate Kwanzaa. There will be food, tradition and fellowship to celebrate cultural heritage and traditions. All are welcome, family and friends! Please wear your BSU T-Shirt if you have one,…

Dec. 7 – The Lost and NOW FOUND at the SIO!

The Lost and Found from the Student Involvement Office will be placing all items outside of the office. Please come visit if you think you may have lost something! Items will be available Fri., Dec. 7. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student…

Jan. 21 – 26th Annual MLK Breakfast Celebration

The 26th annual MLK Breakfast Celebration, sponsored by Ohio Wesleyan University and the Delaware County Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Committee, will be held in the Benes Room of Ham-Wil on Jan. 21 at 7:45 a.m. Bishop Tracy S. Malone,…

TODAY – Science Lecture Series: Dr. Gerry Carter

TODAY the Science Lecture Series welcomes Dr. Gerry Carter from the Ohio State University. Dr. Carter’s talk is titled “Cooperative relationships in Vampire Bats” and will occur at 4:10 p.m. in SCSC, Room 163. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Science Lecture Series.…

Lost and Found at OWU Libraries

Before the end of the semester, if you want to come and check for any missing belongings in our Lost & Found (such as power cords/chargers, water bottles, notebooks, coats, etc.), stop by The Desk at the Beeghly Library and…

Order Your 2019 Scanning Electron Microscope Calendar!

Have you gotten your 2019 SEM Calendar yet? Calendars are only $5.00 and all proceeds support OWU’s Women in Science. So show that special someone you care this holiday season with a calendar full of scientists’ birthdays and awesome electron…

AVI November Newsletter

What’s new with AVI and campus dining? Check out our November newsletter for updates! The newsletter can be found here:  OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: AVI Foodsystems. Contact: Alexis Roach at