Category Campuswide News & Events

Dec. 1 @ 7:30 p.m. – One Act Plays in Chappelear

Join the directing class for Are We Allies or Enemies?, an evening of one-act plays written by the playwriting class and performed by OWU students. Take a study break and come think about aquatic life, aliens, and apocalypses! The production is…

Dec. 1 @ 9 p.m. – Skate on the JAY!

Come Ice(less) Skate on the JAYwalk!  An Ice(less) Skating rink will be set up as part of  Main Street Delaware’s Home for the Holidays celebration but reserved for OWU-only skating on Friday, Dec. 1,  from 9-11 p.m. We will have…

Tonight @ 6 – Hudler Tree Lighting Event!

The brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon, members of University Advancement, and TAP would like to invite you to our annual Hudler Tree Lighting Event tonight at 6 p.m.! The event is open to anyone, and we will have hot chocolate.…

Nov. 28 @ 8 p.m. – Departmental Student Recital

Please join us for a departmental student recital on Tuesday, Nov. 28 at 8 p.m. in Jemison Auditorium. Many students will perform at this recital, including vocalists, our Percussion Ensemble, and more! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Performing Arts Department Contact: Anneliese…