Category Campuswide News & Events

Feb. 25 – AMRS Presents “Miniature Masterpieces”

AMRS visiting speaker, Professor Emeritus Wayne Pitard (University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana) will present a talk, “Miniature Masterpieces: the Art of the Ancient Mesopotamian Cylinder Seal” on Mon., Feb. 25 beginning at 4:00 p.m. in Benes A of Ham-Wil. One…

TODAY – Professor Panel with Rafiki

In honor of Black History Month, Rafiki will be hosting a Professor Panel with four professors to have a dialogue about issues surrounding blackness. From topics of globalization to misconceptions we want to open dialogue about the things that are…

Feb. 24 – BSU’s $5 Soul Food Luncheon!

For our last event of Black History Month, OWU’s Black Student Union is hosting its 2nd SOUL FOOD LUNCHEON on Feb. 24 from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Ham-Wil’s Benes Rooms A and B! Students, friends, family, faculty, staff…

TODAY – Life Raft Debate

Imagine a post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland and the few survivors remaining are setting sail on a life raft in search of land to rebuild society from the ground up. There is only one spot remaining on the raft. A group of…

TODAY – OWU Health Fair; Win Raffle Prizes!

The OWU Health and Wellness Fair will be held today, Feb. 21 in the Ham-Wil Atrium from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Come visit tables hosted by OWU and community partners, such as the YMCA, OhioHealth, Counseling Services and more!…

Feb. 27 – Be the Match Bone Marrow Registry

Join the Be The Match bone marrow registry Wed., Feb. 27 in the Ham-Wil Atrium with OWU women’s soccer. We’ll be tabling from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. With a simple cheek swab, you enter the bone marrow registry until…

Feb. 21 – Heisler Business Ethics Lecture With Joe DeLoss

Please join us for the Heisler Business Lecture on Thurs., Feb. 21 at 7:30 p.m. in Benes Room B. This year’s lecture is a conversation with Joe DeLoss from Hot Chicken Takeover. DeLoss’s restaurant chain provides meaningful employment to men…

Feb. 24 – BSU’s $5 Soul Food Luncheon!

For our last event of Black History Month, OWU’s Black Student Union is hosting its 2nd SOUL FOOD LUNCHEON on Feb. 24 from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Ham-Wil’s Benes Rooms A and B! Students, friends, family, faculty, staff…

Men’s Tennis Matches Friday and Saturday

Men’s Tennis will have a busy weekend in Gordon Field House as they take part in matches against three different teams on Friday and into Saturday. Men’s Tennis will host The College of Wooster this Friday at 4 p.m. The…