Category Campuswide News & Events

April 1 through 5 – HOLD Language Week!

Join the House of Linguistic Diversity for a week of informative programming about language and culture! The events are as follows: Mon., April 1 – Chinese: A Family of Languages; 6 p.m. @ HOLD. Tues., April 2 – The Language…

Today – Meet Spanish Filmmaker Judith Colell!

Please join us today, April 1 from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Bayley Room for a lecture in Spanish titled “El tratamiento del estilo en el cine español,” followed by a conversation with the guest, Judith Colell. Hors…

Plan Ahead for Hamlet!

Shakespeare’s most popular tragedy is coming to OWU for three performances only: April 12 & April 13 at 8 p.m. and April 14 at 2 p.m. on the Main Stage at the Chappelear Drama Center. For additional information and to…

April 6 @ 4-7 p.m. – Culture Fest!

Are you ready for the biggest cultural event of the year? Culture Fest will be on April 6 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Ham-Wil Benes Rooms. We will have a variety of foods from many different cultural…

Toxic Masculinity Survey

As part of an independent study on toxic masculinity, we ask all members of the OWU community to fill out a very brief (2-3 minute) survey about thoughts and attitudes about masculinity at Ohio Wesleyan. All submissions are anonymous and…

Health Tip of the Week! – Eat More to Eat Less

When you’re hungry and trying to make healthy choices, you might be tempted to grab something small, like crackers or pretzels. However, by choosing something more substantial, such as string cheese, peanut butter and a fruit, you will stay full…

Today – Pothole Repair Work to Begin

Buildings & Grounds will begin filling potholes on campus during the week of April 1. Crews will begin at Selby Stadium and work west. No parking lot closures will be needed, but please do not park in spaces that need…