Category Campuswide News & Events

Toxic Masculinity Survey

As part of an independent study on toxic masculinity, we ask all members of the OWU community to fill out a very brief (2-3 minute) survey about thoughts and attitudes about masculinity at Ohio Wesleyan. All submissions are anonymous and…

April 2 @ 6:30 – Carlos Fresquez Art Talk

Have you seen the amazing art work on display in Beeghly Library’s Gallery 2001? It is by Carlos Fresquez, Chicano artist from Denver, Colorado. He will be giving an art talk April 2, at 6:30 p.m. in the Bayley room…

April 4 – “Prospects for North Korea’s Denuclearization”

Join us for a lecture titled “Prospects for North Korea’s Denuclearization” on April 4 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Bayley Room. Mark Tokola, Vice President of the Korea Economic Institute of America, Washington, D.C., is the guest…

Zoology Shirts and Crewnecks For Sale!

Zoology Department t-shirts are now available! We have short sleeve, long sleeve and crewneck sweatshirts! Show your love for the zoology department and order one by April 13! Use this link:  OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Zoology Student Board. Contact: Shilay Isabelle…

Plan Ahead for Hamlet!

Shakespeare’s most popular tragedy is coming to OWU for three performances only: April 12 & April 13 at 8 p.m. and April 14 at 2 p.m. on the Main Stage at the Chappelear Drama Center. For additional information and to…

Donate Clothes to Tree House for our Popup Thrift Store!

Cleaning out your closet? Drop off your unwanted clothing at Tree House! For my house project, Tree House is holding a popup thrift store during Rock the Block on April 12.  Proceeds will be donated to Sustainable Delaware Ohio and…

April 4 @ 11 a.m. – Digital Marketing Workshop with Dustin Pearce

Learn how to grow your business with local marketing expert Dustin Pearce! The presentation will include learning simple ways to grow your website traffic and outrank competitors through Google SEO, online ads and reviews as well as converting more traffic…

April 4 – StrikeOut Cancer Fundraiser at Hambo!

Make one of your meals a selfless act and support the OWU Softball team’s fight against cancer! Last October one of our own, Shelley, was diagnosed with stage 3c ovarian cancer. This spring, we will have our Strike Out Cancer…

April 1 through 5 – OWAC RUMMAGE SALE

Join the Ohio Wesleyan Athletic Council (OWAC) and Active Minds OWU in participating in a friendly fundraising competition to raise money towards mental health advocacy and suicide prevention. Starting Fri., March 29, and continuing all of next week (April 1-5),…