Category Campuswide News & Events

Black World Studies T-Shirts for Sale!

Show your support for the Black World Studies department by buying a t-shirt! The link to purchase them can be found here:  Short-sleeved t-shirts are $12, long-sleeved are $15 and crewneck sweaters are $25. The last day to buy is…

Congratulations to our Award Winners!

Congratulations to International Studies Program award winner Thomas Carsten Oggier, who won not only the Corinne Lyman Award for Academic Excellence but also the Outstanding Achievement in International Studies Award. Congratulations also to our new members inducted into the Alpha…

April 19 @ 12:10 p.m. – Women in Science Jeopardy!

Women in Science will be hosting on our version of Jeopardy again this year on Fri., April 19 at 12:10 p.m. in the SCSC Atrium. We would love to see students and professors there! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: WINS. Contact: Sabrina…

TONIGHT @ 6 p.m. – Cooking For A Cause

Come out and cook for a cause TONIGHT, Wed., April 17! The HHK Cooking Matters team is hosting an opportunity to learn a few new meals, eat, have a great time and provide service from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.…

Congratulations to the 2019 SOAN Award Winners!

Congratulations to our Sociology and Anthropology 2019 award winners: Emily Fitton Prize Paper Award: Alyssa Marie Acevedo and Hanna Katherine Cordes. The Dr. Charlotte Wolf Academic Achievement Award: Sarah Ruth Mattick. Sociology/Anthropology Faculty Award: Alyssa Marie Acevedo and John Cullen…