Category Campuswide News & Events

Sign Up Today to Donate Blood April 24

Save a life! The Red Cross will be on campus for a Blood Drive on Wed. Apr 24 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. in Benes Rooms A&B. Make an appointment at the following link using sponsor code: OWU.  Appointments are preferred…

2019 Baccalaureate is Looking For Student Volunteers!

Class of 2019, We are seeking your participation in the Baccalaureate Service to help us present a final, collaborative reflection of our class’s journey at Ohio Wesleyan! Are you or a group interested in dance, music, recitation or sharing your…

April 24 @ 7 p.m. – Free Yoga Night With Friends

Join the OWU Panhellenic Council and Panhellenic Mental Health Group for some stress-free yoga on Wed., April 24 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Edwards Gymnasium! Bring your own mat and water bottle. Relax with us before final exams!…

Passover Menu Favorites

Join us for Passover favorites each day in the Marketplace for lunch and Smith for dinner from April 19 to April 27. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: AVI Fresh. Contact: Alexis Roach at

Black World Studies T-Shirts for Sale!

Show your support for the Black World Studies department by buying a t-shirt! The link to purchase them can be found here:  Short-sleeved t-shirts are $12, long-sleeved are $15 and crewneck sweaters are $25. The last day to buy is…

Congratulations to 2019 Pi Sigma Alpha Inductees

Congratulations to the newly initiated members the Upsilon Chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honor society: Seniors: Catherine R. Allen, Molly B. Geffken, Sarah R. Mattick, Nicholas L. Melvin, Yanira Rhymer-Stuart and Hannah R. Wargo. Other current…

Politics and Government Department Announce 2019 Award Winners

The Department of Politics and Government congratulates its 2019 award winners: Alyssa E. DiPadova, The Earl E. Warner Award for Academic Excellence. Established in 1978 to honor the senior politics and government major maintaining the highest grade point average during…

Congratulations to our Award Winners!

Congratulations to International Studies Program award winner Thomas Carsten Oggier, who won not only the Corinne Lyman Award for Academic Excellence but also the Outstanding Achievement in International Studies Award. Congratulations also to our new members inducted into the Alpha…