Category Campuswide News & Events

May 2 – Peale Chapel Open for National Day of Prayer

OWU observance of National Day of Prayer will be this Thurs., May 2, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This open personal prayer time will be in Peale Chapel on the third floor of Ham-Wil. Feel free to stop by…

TODAY @ 4:30 p.m. – How To Survive on Minimum Wages Presentation

Struggling to live on minimum wages? You’ve got plenty of company. The spring 2019 Digital Media class examined the issues surrounding minimum wages and created a multimedia project that explores how students and others survive on basic pay, why it’s…

Traveling abroad soon? FREE Online Training Modules Available

The International & Off-Campus Programs office has produced FREE online Health & Safety pre-departure training modules for anyone traveling abroad this summer or next fall. The training is mandatory for all school-sponsored international travel (TPGs, SGPs, Travel-learning and study away)…

Lost and Found at OWU Libraries

Before the end of the semester, if you want to come and check for any missing belongings in our Lost & Found (such as power cords/chargers, water bottles, notebooks, coats, etc.), stop by The Desk at the Beeghly Library and…

May 4 @ 10 a.m. – OWU Lifelong Learning Institute Sampler Event

Delaware area residents are invited to go back to school this fall through the new Lifelong Learning Institute at Ohio Wesleyan University. The classes won’t include term papers or tests, but instead will create fun, engaging ways for older adults…

OWU Campus Store End-of-Semester Sale!

OWU Campus Store End-of-Semester Sale Now through Wed., May 8. 10% off all OWU-branded Apparel and items. Clearance at $5. Up to 50% off on other items as marked. If you’ve been holding out on buying that Hoodie or T-shirt,…

2019 iCubed Lineup Announced!

Back and better than ever. iCubed, OWU’s three minutes of thinking outside the box and inside the clocks, is coming to campus Sept. 19, 2019. Check out this year’s nine speakers of ideas, insight and imagination here. See you there,…