Category Campuswide News & Events

Beginning May 20 – Summer Session Hours for OWU Libraries

The Summer Session hours can be viewed on the Libraries’ website at  Updates or changes to these hours will also be posted to the hours page on our website. Please note during Summer Session that the hours Beeghly is officially…

Summer Dining Hours

Have a great summer, Bishops! Smith Dining Hall will be open for various camp and conference days – please stay tuned to your email for each week’s hours! Any questions or concerns please feel free to email us at! OWU…

OWU Daily Summer Publication Schedule

The OWU Daily will begin its summer publication schedule May 20. It will be published weekly each Monday through Aug. 12, when daily publication resumes. Please submit all postings before noon on the Thursday prior to your desired Monday publication date. Thank you and have a…

Beginning May 20 – Summer Session Hours for OWU Libraries

The Summer Session hours can be viewed on the Libraries’ website at  Updates or changes to these hours will also be posted to the hours page on our website. Please note during Summer Session that the hours Beeghly is officially…

Summer Dining Hours

Have a great summer, Bishops! Smith Dining Hall will be open for various camp and conference days – please stay tuned to your email for each week’s hours! Any questions or concerns please feel free to email us at! OWU…

OWU Daily Summer Publication Schedule

The OWU Daily will begin its summer publication schedule May 20. It will be published weekly each Monday through Aug. 12, when daily publication resumes. Please submit all postings before noon on the Thursday prior to your desired Monday publication date. Thank you and have a…

Summer Dining Hours

Have a great summer, Bishops! Smith Dining Hall will be open for various camp and conference days – please stay tuned to your email for each week’s hours! Any questions or concerns please feel free to email us at! OWU…

Summer hours for Duplicating department

Duplicating hours for the summer are: 8 to 4:30, closed during the noon hour starting May 13th. Duplicating will be closed on June 3-6, June 17-21, July 2-5, and July 22-26. Please plan accordingly when needing printing done or deliveries…

Summer hours for Duplicating department

Duplicating hours for the summer are: 8 to 4:30, closed during the noon hour starting May 13th. Duplicating will be closed on June 3-6, June 17-21, July 2-5, and July 22-26. Please plan accordingly when needing printing done or deliveries…

Bishop Cafe and Grille Closed Today

Please note that the Bishop Cafe and Grille will be closed Friday, May 10. On Friday, May 10: T-Store OPEN EARLY 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Smith closes at 2:00 PM Marketplace closes at 2:00 PM Merrick Cafe closes at…