Category Campuswide News & Events

2019-2020 Theory-to-Practice Grant Program Deadlines

The deadlines for Theory-to-Practice Grant (TPG) proposals, part of The OWU Connection, will be: Oct. 15 (Round 1). Jan. 17 (Round 2). March 6 (Round 3). For more information see OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Connection Programs / IOCP. Contact: Darrell…

Aug. 29&30 – Poster Palooza!

Come on down to Benes A on August 29 and 30 for an exciting assortment of posters and other dorm decorations. This two-days-only poster fest will be held from 9 am – 5 pm both days, but make sure to…

Nov. 1 – Retirement Celebration Honoring Chaplain Jon Powers

Please join us from 3-5 p.m. Nov. 1 in Merrick Hall to honor Chaplain Jon Powers and thank him for the 31 years he spent selflessly providing love, encouragement, interfaith understanding, and puns at Ohio Wesleyan. Remarks regarding Jon’s lasting…

Aug. 30 – Grand Opening of the Honors Center

Join us Aug. 30 at noon for the grand opening of the Honors Center in Beeghly Library! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Honors Board. Contact: Anne Miner at

TODAY – Blood Drive

Interested in donating blood? Come down to Benes Rooms A&B today, August 27, from 11 am – 5 pm to participate. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Involvement office. Contact: Student Involvement Office SIO at

Today, Aug. 27 – Last Day Add/Drop Courses in Self-Service

Today, Aug. 27, is the last day to add and drop courses in self-service online. Students are able to use paper add-drop forms and can turn these in to Registrar’s Office (University Hall 007) up until Thursday, Aug. 29, at…

2019-2020 Theory-to-Practice Grant Program Deadlines

The deadlines for Theory-to-Practice Grant (TPG) proposals, part of The OWU Connection, will be: Oct. 15 (Round 1). Jan. 17 (Round 2). March 6 (Round 3). For more information see OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Connection Programs / IOCP. Contact: Darrell…

Aug. 30 – Grand Opening of the Honors Center

Join us Friday, Aug. 30, at noon for the grand opening of the Honors Center in Beeghly Library! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Honors Board. Contact: Anne Miner at

Aug. 28 – Join Us for the 2019 Wellness Expo! 

The OWU Wellness Committee requests your presence! Join us Aug. 28 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Benes Rooms as we present: Prizes * Snacks * Freebies * Demonstrations at the 2019 Wellness Expo! –11 a.m. Speaker Zonya…