Category Campuswide News & Events

Today – Degree Audit Upgrade – Outage Planned

An upgrade to the Degree Audit system is scheduled for Monday, June 3, from 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.  will be offline until the upgrades are complete. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Information Services. Contact: Jason Cox at

Recycle Name Badges from Admission Events

Do you have a stockpile of name badges (clear plastic nametag holder with pin/clip/lanyard attached) you’ve acquired at on-campus admission events? If so, we’d be happy to accept the name badges back to use another time. Simply gather yours up,…

Duplicating Office Closed June 3-7

Please note the Duplicating Office will be closed June 3-7. The office will reopen June 10. Thank you. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Duplicating Office. Contact: Jill Kerins at

June 7-16 – Science Library Closed for Improvements

To accommodate the installation of new carpet in the Science Library, Hobson will be closed June 7-16. We will update the Library Hours web site  with any changes to this schedule. Physical materials from this location will be temporarily unavailable, but…

Tornado Safety Information

With spring’s unstable weather, please note the outdoor warning siren protocol. During a tornado warning, sirens will sound for three minutes, every ten minutes, until the warning is allowed to expire. During a tornado warning, the safest place to shelter is…

OWU Daily Summer Publication Schedule

The OWU Daily will begin its summer publication schedule May 20. It will be published weekly each Monday through Aug. 12, when daily publication resumes. Please submit all postings before noon on the Thursday prior to your desired Monday publication date. Thank you and have a…

Today 9-noon – OWU Special Collections Open House

Have you always wondered what’s in the OWU archives and special collections but haven’t had time during the semester to stop by? If so, we hope you will join us on today (5/20/19) between 9 a.m. and noon for a…