Category Campuswide News & Events

Sept. 12 @ 7:30 p.m. – Mock Convention Debate Watching Party!

Mock Convention 2020 is hosting a debate watching party for the Democrat party debate on Thursday, Sept. 12. The watch party starts at 7:30pm in Crider Lounge at HWCC, the debate will start at 8 p.m. Come learn about mock convention,…

Libuse Reed Endowed Professorship

The Provost Office is seeking nominations for recipients of The Libuse L. Reed Endowed Professorship award listed below: Libuse L. Reed Endowed Professorship:  Please submit names of suggested recipients to no later than Monday, Sept. 23. It is also helpful if…

Sept. 9 – No Monday Morning Parking in Lot Near Edgar Hall

On the morning of Monday, Sept. 9, Ohio Wesleyan and the City of Delaware are collaborating with OWU student Brianna Graber ’20 to install a storm drain net (anchored by 13,000 pounds of concrete) in the Delaware Run. The net…

TODAY @ Noon – Zoology Board Ice Cream Social!

Come grab some ice cream or a popsicle outside the SCSC today, Sept. 6, from 12-1 p.m. The Zoology Board is hosting its annual ice cream social! Hang out with Zoology professors, enter a raffle to win OWU gear and…

Homecoming 2019 – Submit a Student Event

For Homecoming 2019, we hope to create a memorable student experience by providing events, programs, and activities for students! We are in the process of crafting a week of events during Homecoming Week, Oct. 14-19 and we need YOUR help!…