Category Campuswide News & Events

Vote for This Year’s President’s Ball Theme!

Add your voice to the planning committee for this year’s President’s Ball! Cast your vote for one of four potential themes for this annual, can’t-miss event on December 7. Vote here:  OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: President’s Club. Contact: Lena Ison at


7 p.m. Oct. 4, 2019 – Hamilton-Williams Campus Center’s Benes B – “How to Change the World?” panel discussion with Memme Onwudiwe ’15 (Majors: International Studies and French), Carolyn Thompson ’14 (Majors: History, Spanish, and Latin American Studies), and Emma…

TOMORROW @ 4:10 p.m. – Science Lecture Series: Ryan Yoder

Our first Science Lecture Series of 2019 will be tomorrow, Oct. 3, at 4:10 p.m. in Science Center 163. The speaker will be Ryan Yoder, Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry at OSU-Marion. The title of the…

TODAY @ 4 p.m. – OWU Climate Crisis Town Hall & Discussion

As part of OWU’s 2020 Mock Convention, the platform committee will be hosting our first hearing — a discussion on the climate crisis and the 2020 presidential candidates. This will be at 4 p.m. in the Bayley Room on Wednesday,…

Oct. 3 – Hispanic Film Festival Kicks Off Thursday

BIRDBOY, (PSICONAUTAS, LOS NIÑOS OLVIDADOS), Dir. Alberto Váquez and Pedro Rivero / Spain / 80 min / 2015. Based on the comic Psiconautas by Alberto Vazquez, this animated coming-of-age film follows the main character, a shy outcast in a post-apocalyptic…

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Please take note of the following events to help raise awareness about Domestic Violence during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Flags on the Jay: 34,560 people experience rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner per day in the United…

This Weekend Only! “The Country House”

“The Country House” – this weekend only! Don’t miss the first main-stage production of the year! October 4, 5, 6 at the Chappelear Drama Center. Students free! Faculty and staff free Friday night. Call the box office for reservations at…