Category Campuswide News & Events

Now Accepting Theory-to-Practice Grant (TPG) Proposals

The portal to submit Theory-to-Practice Grant proposals for Round One is now open. You can find the guidelines for submission as well as the application link here:  The deadline for submission is October 15 at midnight. There will also be…

Oct. 15 – 16th Annual Olentangy Watershed Forum

For the past 16 years, the Olentangy Watershed Forum has connected citizens and experts who wish to explore issues that impact the quality of life in the watershed. Please join us for state of the watershed updates by DelCo Water,…

Saphir Funding Announcement

The Saphir Funds were created by a gift to the Economics Department from Joel Leonard Saphir. Any OWU student or current Economics and Business department faculty member is eligible to apply for the Saphir Funds. For a complete description of…

Fall Break Hours for the OWU Libraries

Fall break hours for the OWU Libraries can be viewed on the libraries’ website at  Please note during Fall Break while Beeghly is officially closed, the Bashford Lounge will remain open to students via swipe card access. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office:…

Oct. 7 & 8 – Caramel Apple Sale!

Need your first taste of Fall? We have got you covered with a build-you-own caramel apple station in the Ham-wil atrium, October 7 and 8, today and tomorrow, from 12-1 p.m.! Come enjoy a sliced apple drizzled with caramel, and…

Oct. 6 – Ohio Wesleyan University Symphonic Wind Ensemble Concert

The OWU Symphonic Wind Ensemble presents its season-opening performance on Sunday, Oct. 6, at 3:15 p.m. in Gray Chapel. Concert theme: Music for those who march and “danse” to different beats, with Rich Edwards, conductor. PROGRAM: “Semper Fidelis” by John Philip…