Category Campuswide News & Events

Oct. 28 @ 4:30 p.m. – French-Algerian Singer Alima Hamel Performs at OWU

Please join Dr. Mary Anne Lewis Cusato’s “Contemporary Franco-Arab Cultural Exchanges” class as they welcome French-Algerian singer and activist Alima Hamel and musician Vincent Ferrand. Much of Hamel’s work deals with the Algerian “Black Decade” (1991-2002), a period of brutal…

Oct. 30 @ NOON – Learn About Climate Advocacy!

Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, October 30, from 12-1 p.m. in the GIS Lab (Science Center Room 207), if you are interested in learning more about legislative political action, climate advocacy, and citizen lobbying from the Field Development Director…

Lost Something? Come Check the SIO!

Please note that items that have not been picked up will be given out for Free or taken to the correct places for proper arrangements. (Does not include electronics). We currently have: -2 Smartphones -A pair of Headphones with a…

Send a Sunflower!

Send a sunflower to someone to brighten their day! The BOMI Club will be tabling in Ham-Wil Wednesday through Friday, Oct. 23-25! For just $2.50, the BOMI Club will personally deliver your handwritten note attached to a beautiful sunflower to…

Oct. 23 @ Noon – Mock Convention Platform Hearing: Immigration

Join us for the OWU Mock Convention’s second platform hearing focused on immigration and the 2020 Presidential election. Start Date: 2019-10-23 Start Time: 12:00PM End Time: 01:00PM Location: Merrick Hall, Room 301. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Mock Convention 2020. Contact:…

TOMORROW @ 5 p.m. – WCSA Executive Candidates Debate

Please come and watch the Presidential/Vice Presidential Candidates Debate for WCSA’s 2019 election. The candidates will be discussing their platform, their qualifications, and will also be taking questions and comments from members of the student body. The event will take…

Oct. 29 @ 6 p.m. – Take Back the Night March

The Bishop Way and SAGE are co-hosting a local version of the national Take Back the Night March! Take Back the Night is an event centered on the mission of ending sexual, romantic, and domestic violence. On Tuesday, October 29,…

Hear iCubed Lectures on Ohio Farm Bureau Radio

Joe Cornerly at the Ohio Farm Bureau has recorded a radio show about OWU’s three- minute iCubed lectures. The show, now available at, includes i3 lectures by professors Amy Downing, Goran Skosples, Ashley Biser, Alice Simon, Chris Fink, and Franchesca Nestor, and…

Nominate a Deserving Individual for a You Are OWU Award

The You Are OWU Award recognizes students, staff and faculty for their success and accomplishments that benefit the OWU community and for being an exemplary leader for others. Click here to nominate today:  The selection committee prefers to recognize specific…