Category Campuswide News & Events

Oct. 25 @ 7 p.m. – Mr. & Ms. Delta Zeta Pageant Show!

Please join Delta Zeta in celebrating our philanthropy event: Mr. & Ms. Delta Zeta Pageant Show on Friday, October 25, from  7-9 p.m. in Benes A & B. Come and watch participants dress up in costumes, show off their talent,…

TOMORROW @ 4:10 p.m. – Science Lecture Series: Dr. Dustin Reichard!

Come to the Science Lecture Series tomorrow, October 24,  at 4:10 p.m. in Science Center 163. The lecture will feature Dr. Dustin Reichard, (OWU Department of Zoology) speaking on Evolutionary Responses to Human-Induced Environmental Change: Insights from a Recent Urban Colonist.…

Oct. 23 @ Noon – Mock Convention Platform Hearing: Immigration

Join us for the OWU Mock Convention’s second platform hearing focused on immigration and the 2020 Presidential election. Start Date: 2019-10-23 Start Time: 12:00PM End Time: 01:00PM Location: Merrick Hall, Room 301. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Mock Convention 2020. Contact:…

Lost Something? Come Check the SIO!

Please note that items that have not been picked up will be given out for Free or taken to the correct places for proper arrangements. (Does not include electronics). We currently have: -2 Smartphones -A pair of Headphones with a…

Oct. 25 @ NOON – Hough Award Presentations

Please join the Sociology & Anthropology Department on Friday, Oct. 25, at noon in Elliott 101 for presentations by two students on their experiences with the 2019 Hough Award. This competitive award was established amidst the social activism of the…

TODAY @ 5 p.m. – WCSA Executive Candidates Debate

Please come and watch the Presidential/Vice Presidential Candidates Debate for WCSA’s 2019 election. The candidates will be discussing their platform, their qualifications, and will also be taking questions and comments from members of the student body. The event will take…