Category Campuswide News & Events

TODAY @ 4:10 p.m. – Science Lecture Series: Dr. Dustin Reichard!

Come to the Science Lecture Series today, October 24,  at 4:10 p.m. in Science Center 163. The lecture will feature Dr. Dustin Reichard, (OWU Department of Zoology) speaking on Evolutionary Responses to Human-Induced Environmental Change: Insights from a Recent Urban Colonist.…

TOMORROW – Wear Purple for DV Awareness

Tomorrow, Oct. 25, wear Purple to honor the 34,560 people that experience violence by an intimate partner in one day. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: The Bishop Way. Contact: Jess Ettell Irvine at

TOMORROW @ NOON – Hough Award Presentations

Please join the Sociology & Anthropology Department tomorrow, Oct. 25, at noon in Elliott 101 for presentations by two students on their experiences with the 2019 Hough Award. This competitive award was established amidst the social activism of the 1960s…

Oct. 24 & 25 – OWU Volleyball Bake Sale

The OWU volleyball team has been working to raise awareness in support of our teammate, Serena, and Team ImPact to help find a cure for those with Cystic Fibrosis. The team will be hosting a bake sale in the Ham-Wil…

Oct. 30 @ NOON – History Department Fall Social!

Come get spooky with the History Department at our annual Fall Social event! Wednesday, Oct. 30 from 12-1 p.m., the History Department is hosting its annual Fall Social, where people are invited to come mingle with faculty and other students.…

Oct. 29 @ 6 p.m. – Take Back the Night March

The Bishop Way and SAGE are co-hosting a local version of the national Take Back the Night March! Take Back the Night is an event centered on the mission of ending sexual, romantic, and domestic violence. On Tuesday, October 29,…

Oct. 25 – Wear Purple for DV Awareness

On Oct. 25, wear Purple to honor the 34,560 people that experience violence by an intimate partner in one day. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: The Bishop Way. Contact: Jess Ettell Irvine at