Category Campuswide News & Events

TONIGHT @ 7 p.m. – Mr. & Ms. Delta Zeta Pageant Show!

Please join Delta Zeta in celebrating our philanthropy event: Mr. & Ms. Delta Zeta Pageant Show tonight, October 25, from  7-9 p.m. in Benes A & B. Come and watch participants dress up in costumes, show off their talent, and…

Oct. 29 @ 6 p.m. – Take Back the Night

The Bishop Way and SAGE are co-hosting a local version of the national Take Back the Night March! Take Back the Night is an event centered on the mission of ending sexual, romantic, and domestic violence. On Tuesday, October 29,…

TOMORROW @ 5 p.m. – Support Music Education

Come dine at J. Gumbos from 5-8 p.m. tomorrow, October 26, to support the OWU chapter of the National Association of Music Education! We will have instruments to play and music to share! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: NAfME. Contact: Jasmine Spitzer…

TODAY – Wear Purple for DV Awareness

Today, Oct. 25, wear Purple to honor the 34,560 people that experience violence by an intimate partner in one day. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: The Bishop Way. Contact: Jess Ettell Irvine at

TODAY@ NOON – Hough Award Presentations

Please join the Sociology & Anthropology Department today, Oct. 25, at noon in Elliott 101 for presentations by two students on their experiences with the 2019 Hough Award. This competitive award was established amidst the social activism of the 1960s…

Oct. 29 @ 6 p.m. – Take Back the Night March

The Bishop Way and SAGE are co-hosting a local version of the national Take Back the Night March! Take Back the Night is an event centered on the mission of ending sexual, romantic, and domestic violence. On Tuesday, October 29,…