Category Campuswide News & Events

TODAY @ 12:30 p.m. – Roll Call of Fallen OWU Veterans

Ohio Wesleyan is participating in the 2019 National Roll Call on Veteran’s Day, Monday, November 11. The National Roll Call is a nationwide event where officials at other participating colleges and universities read aloud the names of veterans simultaneously. At…

TOMORROW @ 8 p.m. – Chamber Orchestra Concert

The Ohio Wesleyan University Chamber Orchestra presents “The Lark and the Firebird” tomorrow, Nov. 12, at 8 p.m. in Gray Chapel. This program will feature the music of late 19th-century and early 20th-century English and Russian composers. The program also…

What Drives You to #AchieveMore?

Are you interested in sharing what drives you to #AchieveMore? Do you want a chance to win $500? Enter the Macmillan Learning What Drives You to #AchieveMore contest at  for a chance to win. Submission closes on Dec. 2, 2019.…

Nov. 9 & 10 @ 7:30 p.m. – Hear New Works by OWU Playwrights!

Murder, romance, sci-fi, vampires? Who knows! These staged readings of new works-in-progress by student playwrights will surely surprise and maybe enlighten you. Don’t miss “Words to the Wind (We Don’t Know Either)” on Saturday, November 9 and Sunday, November 10…