Category Campuswide News & Events

Check Public Safety for Lost Items!

Lost something? Public Safety has acquired a lot of misplaced items such as backpacks, jackets, and shoes. Stop by the office in Smith Hall and see if any of your missing items are here. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Public Safety…

Sell Your Textbooks & Return Your Rentals!

Sell your textbooks – get cash. No matter where you bought your books, we will buy them back. We partner with a wholesaler to buy books both for the store and directly for wholesale. Every buyback purchase also gets a…

Dec. 5 – Revolution Through Art Lecture & Gallery

Come join VIVA and COW as they welcome artist and social activist Mark Harris on Thursday, December 5th at 7 pm in the Bayley room to talk about using art as an avenue for social change Then take time to…

TODAY @ 3 p.m. – BWS Student Presentations

The Black World Studies program invites the OWU Campus Community to Student Presentations. Students Myles Blangor-Thomas, Tavis Duluz-Cates, and Paris Norma will be presenting today, Dec. 4! Please join us in Slocum Hall from 3-5 p.m. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Black…

Dec. 6 @ 4:10 p.m. – Dance with Us at the Open House

Each semester, the dance program presents work by students in dance classes. See students perform excerpts from their studio work in courses such as Art of Dance, Workshop in Modern Dance, Choreography and Composition I/II, and Independent Studies. Everyone is…

Women In Science Club Calendars For Sale!

As a fundraiser, the Women in Science club will be selling really cool calendars that contain SEM images taken by OWU Students! The calendars are $5 each and they could make a really cool holiday gift. If you are interested…

Lost and Found at OWU Libraries

Before the end of the semester, if you want to come and check for any missing belongings in our Lost & Found (such as power cords/chargers, water bottles, notebooks, coats, etc.), stop by The Desk at the Beeghly Library and…

Dec. 13 – Duplicating/Mailroom Closing

Duplicating and the Mailroom will close on December 13th due to a power outage in the Science Building all day. We will be open December 16th through the 20th before we shut down for break. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Duplicating Department…