Category Campuswide News & Events

Smith Hall Parking Lot Now One-Way Traffic Only

For safety and efficiency, all traffic in and out of the Smith Hall parking lot is being directed to travel in one direction only until further notice. As shown on the map below, all vehicles must enter the Smith lot from either of the two…

Jan. 15 & 16 @ Noon – TPG Info Sessions

We are hosting 2 Theory-to-Practice Grant Info Sessions this week. Wednesday, Jan. 15, & Thursday, Jan. 16. Both sessions will be held at noon in Merrick #106. The portal to submit Theory-to-Practice Grant proposals for Round 2 is now open.…

Athletic/Fitness Facilities Operating Hours | Spring Semester

Starting Wednesday, Jan. 15, the following will be the hours of operation for listed athletic/fitness venues during the first half of Spring Semester until Friday, March 6. * Spring Break and second-half spring semester hours will be announced separately.* *…

Jan. 17 – Theory-to-Practice Grant – Round 2 DEADLINE

The deadline for the next round of Theory-to-Practice proposals is Jan. 17, 2020. For more information and to find the link for the form, please visit OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: IOCP- OWU Connection. Contact: Lisa Ho at

Spring Semester Hours for the OWU Libraries

Spring semester hours for the OWU Libraries can be viewed by visiting  Updates or changes to these hours also will be posted to the hours page. Welcome back! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Libraries. Contact: Pam Majors at

Jan. 17 – Theory-to-Practice Grant – Round 2 DEADLINE

The deadline for the next round of Theory-to-Practice proposals is Jan. 17, 2020. For more information and to find the link for the form, please visit OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: IOCP- OWU Connection. Contact: Lisa Ho at

Smith Hall Parking Lot Now One-Way Traffic Only

For safety and efficiency, all traffic in and out of the Smith Hall parking lot is being directed to travel in one direction only until further notice. As shown on the map below, all vehicles must enter the Smith lot from either of the two…

Jan. 15 & 16 @ Noon – TPG Info Sessions

We are hosting 2 Theory-to-Practice Grant Info Sessions this week. Wednesday, Jan. 15, & Thursday, Jan. 16. Both sessions will be held at noon in Merrick #106. The portal to submit Theory-to-Practice Grant proposals for Round 2 is now open.…

Black History Month – Call for Events and Programs

This year the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs and the Student Involvement Office are coordinating a calendar of events to celebrate Black History Month (BHM) in February. The BHM calendar will include any event related to the history, lives, or…