Category Campuswide News & Events

Feb. 6 – Science Lecture Series: Mr. Richard Tuttle

Please join us on Thursday, February 6th, at 4:10 p.m. in SCSC 163 when the Science Lecture Series will host Mr. Richard Tuttle, citizen scientist, and retired middle school biology teacher. He will present “The Beaver Hypothesis: Bluebirding Before the…

Today @ Noon – Register to vote in Ham-Wil

The 2020 primary elections are almost here! Make sure you register to vote by your state’s deadline (Feb. 18 in OH). There will be a voter registration table in Ham-Wil today from 12-1! You can also register to vote at…

TODAY – No DEI Meeting

The previously scheduled open DEI council meeting has been cancelled. There will be no meeting for this week. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council Contact: Benji Acuna at

Black History Month Talent Show Sign Ups

The Big Three for Black History is Back! Our annual BHM Talent Show is here again! If you are interested in performing whether it be singing, dancing, playing a musical instrument, and etc. SIGN UP!!! If you have any questions…

Wednesday @ 12:10-1 – Sustainability Task Force meets

Want to know what’s happening to make OWU more environmentally sustainable? Come to Merrick 202 at the noon hour for the monthly meeting of the Sustainability Task Force, a collaboration between students, faculty, and staff who are passionate about making…

Feb. 6 – Science Lecture Series: Mr. Richard Tuttle

Please join us on Thursday, February 6th, at 4:10 p.m. in SCSC 163 when the Science Lecture Series will host Mr. Richard Tuttle, citizen scientist, and retired middle school biology teacher. He will present “The Beaver Hypothesis: Bluebirding Before the…

Feb. 8 – Lunar New Year at OWU

Come celebrate the Lunar New Year with us on 8th February! Get ready for an evening full of festivities celebrating the Chinese New Year with Asian themed food, music, dancing, board games and raffle gifts. Recommended dress code: red and…

Feb. 5 – Molly McCully Brown, Essayist and Poet, Reading

Molly McCully Brown Wednesday, February 5th from 4:10-5:10 pm in the Bayley Room Molly McCully Brown is the author of the forthcoming essay collection Places I’ve Taken My Body (Persea Books, 2020) and co-author of the forthcoming poetry collection with…